Wyoming Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetland habitat all across our beautiful state. Our dedicated team of volunteers and professionals raise the requisite grassroots and matching funds for this conservation effort and together effect the projects making Wyoming a critical link in waterfowl's annual life cycle needs across North America. To see the results, visit ducks.org/wyoming. This site is maintained by the Great Plains Regional Office of DU and has a lot of great information.
Wyoming DU is always looking for people who want to make a difference for wildlife. In addition to our currently active committees, we are looking to rebuild DU events in the following towns. If you or someone you know would be interested in learning how to build a DU event in your town, contact either State Chairman Lonny Vohland at (308) 380-6791 or lon.vohland@gmail.com or Wyoming Senior Regional Director Robert Hathaway at 307-221-2061 or rhathaway@ducks.org.
Alpine/Star Valley Dubois Lander Sheridan Wheatland
Baggs Jackson Hole Lusk Torrington Worland
Bear River/Evanston Kemmerer Rawlins Weston County Wright
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