Northwest Oklahoma public land expanded
Ducks Unlimited and ODWC secure entire wetland basin
Ducks Unlimited and ODWC secure entire wetland basin
The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) and Ducks Unlimited are working together to expand and improve public hunting opportunities in Oklahoma. Two critical tracts will be added to the extremely popular Drummond Flats Wildlife Management Area (WMA) this summer. Ducks Unlimited purchased the tracts in 2016 and leased them to ODWC with the option to purchase once funding was available. These are critical tracts as they were the only remaining areas in private ownership in the 4,000-acre basin.
Purchase of these tracts allows future restoration techniques to more effectively be applied, thereby more closely mimicking historical wetland functions and values. Drummond Flats WMA encompasses 5,000 acres, including the historical wetland basin and surrounding habitat.
When this acquisition work began in 2006, the goal was to bring 6,000-7,000 acres under public ownership. This will provide the level of protection for the wetland basin and additional hunting opportunities. Projects like this continue to build on the strong partnership between ODWC and DU, increase habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife and provide more opportunities for public recreation, including waterfowl hunting.
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