Newest DU Film profiles passion and commitment
Watch 'Blue Collar' online
Watch 'Blue Collar' online
MEMPHIS, Tennessee March 15, 2017 Ducks Unlimited's latest online film visits Mike Hruby, a DU volunteer, major donor and decoy carver from Texas. Hunting with Mike and his friends on the Texas coast, the DU Films crew discovers what makes a blue collar guy like Mike so passionate about waterfowling and giving back to conservation.
Watch the film at
"I wasn't cut out for college, so I joined the Marine Corps," said Hruby. "When I got finished with that, I chose the blue collar way of life and I am currently a Head Journeyman Lineman for CenterPoint Energy. The guys you see running around in bucket trucks and hard hats, that's us out there working long hours and getting everybody's power back on."
Hruby is also an accomplished decoy carver and collector. He is adamant about producing only working or "gunning" decoys and regularly hunts over his own creations.
Hruby and his wife have donated every month to Ducks Unlimited since 1996.
"Part of my legacy is going to be giving back to what brought me so much enjoyment and passion. I want everybody to see what I got to see. I'll be retiring soon. I look at this as a secondary savings plan, because every fall when these birds start coming down, that's my dividend paying off."
DU Films is a unique online film series from Ducks Unlimited, the world leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. Each film features thrilling hunting footage but also tells a story about waterfowl hunters who are passionate about hunting and giving back to the resource. DU Films presents all of this through breathtaking waterfowl footage and intimate conversations with hunters across North America.
The 2017 season includes six films. DU will release one film per month this spring and summer, beginning this month.
DU Films is produced by Rock Road Creative and sponsored by Mossy Oak, Drake Waterfowl, Winchester Repeating Arms, Winchester Ammunition and Yeti.
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