DU TV this week: Thanks Dad
In this episode of DU TV, co-host Ashley Ward hunts in Arkansas with her father and close family friends. It's a heartwarming episode that illustrates the value of introducing young people to the outdoors.
In this episode of DU TV, co-host Ashley Ward hunts in Arkansas with her father and close family friends. It's a heartwarming episode that illustrates the value of introducing young people to the outdoors.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Aug. 20, 2019--This week on DU TV, co-host Ashley Ward hunts the Arkansas Delta with her father, Jim, who introduced her to life outdoors and set her career and life journey in motion.
They are joined by Ashley&squo;s childhood friend Lauren Stanley and her dad, David, for a memorable father and daughter hunting adventure to remember.
"People often ask me, 'Ashley when did you start hunting?&squo;&dquo; Ward said. "My reply is always the same, I can&squo;t remember not hunting.&dquo;
Her father started her out at the tender age of four months.
"The first hunt I ever took Ashley on was for doves in September 1990. She was born in June of 1990,&dquo; Jim Ward recalled. "We hunted all afternoon. The dog helped out as another babysitter.&dquo;
Also on this episode, DU CEO Adam Putnam discusses the role of youth and Ducks Unlimited in his Insights segment.
Shotgunning guru Phil Bourjaily explains the importance of swinging through a target on Duck Gun.
And in this week&squo;s Duck Dog training segment, Mike Stewart shows you how to work multiple retrievers effectively on the same hunt.
DU TV airs Mondays at 1 a.m., Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m., Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. (all times Eastern) on the Pursuit Channel. All episodes, plus bonus content and classic episodes, can be found at www.ducks.org/dutv.
DU TV is sponsored by Browning Arms and Ammunition, Drake Waterfowl Systems, Plano Synergy and Zink Calls, Higdon Outdoors, Purina Pro Plan, Mossy Oak Camo, Mossy Oak Properties, Mossy Oak Biologic, Mossy Oak Nativ Nurseries and SecureIt Intelligent Firearms Storage.
Ducks Unlimited Inc. is the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving North America's continually disappearing waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than 14.5 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent. Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, DU works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. For more information on our work, visit www.ducks.org.
Media Contact:
John Gordon
jgordon@ducks.orgDucks Unlimited uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience, optimize site functionality, analyze traffic, and deliver personalized advertising through third parties. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. View Privacy Policy