DU Podcast Archive - Season 1


DU Podcast Archive - Season 1
  • Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher wrap up the first season of the Ducks Unlimited Podcast. The duo discusses the trials and tribulations, but also explains what listeners should be excited about for Season 2. Thanks to everyone who joined the show and all who listened. Stay tuned! Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.

Ep. 69 – Wrap Up on Season 1; Looking Forward with the DU Podcast

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher wrap up the first season of the Ducks Unlimited Podcast. The duo discusses the trials and tribulations, but also explains what listeners should be excited about for Season 2. Thanks to everyone who joined the show and all who listened. Stay tuned! Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.

Ep. 68 – What Happened to Texas’ Light Goose Hunting

Kevin Kraai, waterfowl program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department talks with hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher about Texas light goose hunting and the reasons why there has been a shift in the birds’ wintering grounds. Learn how this historical hunting area has all but disappeared. Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.


Ep. 67 – Overall Duck Numbers Increasing in Texas, Why and Where?

Kevin Kraai, waterfowl program leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department talks with hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher about Texas habitat changes that may be leading to shifts in wintering distribution. Kraai breaks down Texas’ various habitat types and explains what has changed. Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.

Episode 66 – Growing DU’s Conservation Footprint: A Discussion with DU’s Director of Conservation Strategy

Dr. Mike Brasher sits down with DU’s new Director of Conservation Strategy, Dr. Steve Adair, to learn about DU’s efforts to grow our conservation influence and footprint. Specifically, we discuss the importance of championing and marketing the benefits of DU’s conservation work beyond providing waterfowl habitat. These include benefits to water quality, water quantity, stormwater retention, storm surge mitigation, and a host of other ecosystem services. Dr. Adair shares his excitement for this position and the opportunities it presents while remaining true to our core organizational priority of waterfowl populations and the people that enjoy them.

Bonus Episode: Update on the Pace of the Light Goose Migration with Tony Vandemore

Host Chris Jennings gets Tony Vandemore, guide and co-owner of Habitat Flats, on the line to discuss the pace of the light goose migration. Vandemore moved from Arkansas up to his home turf near Sumner, Missouri in the middle of the month. Listen to find out more. Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.


Episode 65 – New Opportunities on the Canadian Prairies & A Sneak Peek at Wetland Conditions

Dr. Scott Stephens rejoins host Dr. Mike Brasher to continue their discussion about DU Canada’s conservation programs in the Canadian Prairies. This episode describes some of the new conservation partnerships that DU Canada is forging within the farming and ranching communities, and how these efforts are delivering mutually beneficial outcomes. Scott also discusses opportunities within the broader ecosystem services arena. We also get a sneak peek at how wetland conditions are shaping up as we look forward to the breeding season.

Episode 64 – Introduction to DU Canada Conservation Efforts in the Prairies

Friend and colleague Dr. Scott Stephens, DU Canada, joins Dr. Mike Brasher to discuss some of the important habitat conservation work being undertaken to benefit breeding waterfowl in the Canadian Prairies. This discussion highlights some of the historical and traditional programs that DU Canada has used to protect and restore priority wetlands and grasslands for waterfowl but also introduces exciting new programs that are being used to increase DU’s capacity to conserve waterfowl habitats.

Episode 63 – Using Research to Understand Waterfowl Hunter Dynamics

Dr. Mike Brasher is joined in studio by a trio of special guests to discuss trends in waterfowl hunter numbers and the importance of recruiting our next generation of hunter-conservationists. Former DU Chief Scientist Dale Humburg, University of Nebraska PhD student Katherine Graham, and Professor of Human Dimensions Research Dr. Chris Chisznski share their expertise on this subject and provide insights gained from recently completed research.

Episode 62: Estimating Annual Waterfowl Harvest, Part 3

In the final installment of this special series on waterfowl harvest estimation, Drs. Kathy Fleming and Paul Padding discuss the 2 critical surveys that are part of this process: Migratory Bird Hunter Survey and Parts Collection Survey. This episode sheds light on how these data are collected and used, and why none of this would be possible without the interest, cooperation, and participation by hunters.

Bonus Episode: Light Goose Conservation Order Update

Host Chris Jennings is joined by Jay Anglin, DU Great Lakes Migration Editor, to discuss light goose migrations into Illinois and Indiana. The two also talk about Arkansas goose numbers and opportunities for hunters to take advantage of these late hunts. Download, subscribe, and rate the DU Podcast.


Episode 61: Estimating Annual Waterfowl Harvest, Part 2

In part 2 of this series on waterfowl harvest estimation, Drs. Kathy Fleming and Paul Padding go in-depth on the Harvest Information Program, known to most people simply as “HIP,” to explain how it works and how the data are used to select hunters for participating in the core surveys from which harvest is estimated. We also discuss additional uses of waterfowl harvest data.

Episode 60 – Estimating Annual Waterfowl Harvest, Part 1

Waterfowl hunters harvest 12–14 million ducks and 3 million geese annually in the U.S. The process used to estimate annual waterfowl harvest has several components and relies on the cooperation and participation by State wildlife agencies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and most importantly waterfowl hunters. Drs. Kathy Fleming and Paul Padding of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service join Dr. Mike Brasher to help explain the harvest estimation process and some of the important uses of these estimates. This is episode 1 of a 3-part series.

Ep. 59 – Texas Mid-winter Waterfowl Survey 

Kevin Kraai, Waterfowl Program Leader for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department joins the podcast to discuss the history of the Texas Mid-winter Waterfowl Survey and results from the most recent survey in January 2020.  We learn about the numerous ecoregions and important waterfowl habitats across the state of Texas and converse about notable observations in duck and goose abundance from the survey.  The 2020 survey revealed the 3rd highest state-wide estimate for dabbling ducks since 1997.

Bonus Episode: Update on 2019-20 Weather and Duck Migration in the Eastern U.S.

Dr. Mike Schummer, SUNY-ESF, rejoins the show with host Dr. Mike Brasher to provide a late season update on prevailing weather patterns in the eastern U.S. and how these have influenced waterfowl migration since the outbreak of cold weather in November. We wade into a discussion about large-scale atmospheric patterns that affect weather across the U.S. with a specific focus on the “polar vortex.” The show concludes with advice on how hunters can adapt their strategies in the face of weather patterns that aren’t conducive to strong bird movements.

Episode 57: Secrets to a Successful Youth Hunt

Host Christ Jennings is joined by John Pollmann, Ducks Unlimited freelance contributor, to discuss the best practices to plan and execute a youth hunt. Pollmann goes into detail regarding his Sept/Oct feature from DU Magazine and talks about his personal experiences hunting with his young son.

Episode 56: Snow Geese, Polar Bears, Poop Genetics, and Learning from the Animals

In this episode, we continue our conversation with Dr. Rocky Rockwell and learn about the lasting effects of hyperabundant snow geese on Arctic habitats and their potential for recovery. We then discuss other interesting research at La Perouse Bay including goose productivity, drones, bear ecology, sea ice, and the genetic analysis of bear poop. We conclude with sage advice from Dr. Rockwell about learning from and working with the animals and the people around us.

Episode 55: Snow Goose Ecology at La Perouse Bay

Light goose populations in North America have grown exponentially since the 1960s. The famed goose colony at La Perouse Bay, Manitoba, became the epicenter for studying this explosive growth and its damaging effects on Arctic ecosystems. In this episode, Dr. Mike Brasher is joined by special guests Drs. Rocky Rockwell and Tom Moorman to discuss the emergence of this issue, along with other topics including the evolution of white and blue phases of snow geese and their increasing hybridization.

Episode 54: Legacy and Future of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan

Widely considered the most successful wildlife conservation plan on the planet, for over 30 years the North American Waterfowl Management Plan has set the bar for effective and relevant partner-based conservation of an internationally shared resource. Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dale Humburg for a discussion about the evolution and legacy of the NAWMP.

Episode 53: An Unprecedented Plan for Conserving North American Waterfowl

Former DU Chief Scientist, Dale Humburg, joins hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher to discuss the history and significance of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) in shaping international waterfowl conservation as we know it today. Ambitious in scale and intent, the NAWMP was signed in 1986 and immediately created a bold new vision for waterfowl conservation in North America.

Bonus Episode: Mississippi’s December Aerial Waterfowl Survey

Houston Havens, Waterfowl Program Coordinator for Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, joins Dr. Mike Brasher and Chris Jennings to discuss results from Mississippi’s December aerial waterfowl surveys. Listen in to learn about the history of Mississippi’s survey effort, the latest on duck numbers in the state, and what biologists are saying about the effects of 2019’s prolonged summer flooding on waterfowl habitat conditions this winter.

Ep. 52 – How Fast Can They Fly and Other Insights from GPS Telemetry

Mike Casazza rejoins the show to continue our discussion about cutting edge radio telemetry and its importance to waterfowl science. Specific topics on this episode include new estimates of waterfowl flight speed and why this is important, unexpected movements and behaviors of waterfowl, and what a hunter should do if they harvest a bird outfitted with a transmitter.

Ep. 51 – Radio Telemetry in Waterfowl Research

Since its introduction to wildlife research in the mid-20th century, radio telemetry has enabled scientists and conservationists to understand waterfowl behaviors and ecology at levels previously not imagined. In this episode, co-hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Research Biologist Mike Casazza to learn about the history, advancements, capabilities, and unique insights obtained from modern-day radio telemetry. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 50 – Reairing of Urban Mallard Research w/ Dr. Ben O’Neal

Previously published (Ep. 9 – 10) Host Dr. Mike Brasher discusses interesting research being done on urban mallards and the role they play in hunter harvest with Dr. Ben O’Neal. O’Neal serves as a wildlife ecology professor at Franklin College just south of Indianapolis and is studying the impacts of urban mallards in relation to harvest opportunities for hunters near metro areas. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.


Bonus Episode: Double-Barrel Migration Update – Missouri and Illinois

In this episode we bring you updates on mid-December waterfowl numbers and habitat conditions in Missouri and Illinois.  Friends of the show, Frank Nelson and Aaron Yetter, explain that ice is prevalent and duck numbers continue to decline across much of their respective states. Hardy mallards, geese, and a few straggling pintails and gadwalls are holding out on rivers and other big waters as the year 2019 nears its end. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 49 – Introducing DU’s Western Region

Mark Biddlecomb, DU director of operations for the Western Region, joins the podcast and shares information about DU’s Sacramento office, along with some of the unique conservation challenges faced in the Pacific Flyway. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 48 – DU’s D.C. Office Joins the Show to Talk NAWCA

Host Chris Jennings is joined by Dan Wrinn, DU national director of government affairs, talks about DU’s D.C. office and the importance of policy work for wetlands conservation and waterfowl. Craig LeShack, DU director of conservation operations joins in on the conversation about NAWCA. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 47 – DU California Regional Biologist Joins the Show

DU Regional Biologist from the San Joaquin Valley in Central California, Matt Kaminski, joins the show to discuss a multitude of topics, including a description of DU’s conservation efforts in the California Central Valley, an update on waterfowl migration in the region, and insights on West Coast weather patterns that influence duck movements. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 46 – Scott Leysath Discusses Non-Waterfowl Game Recipes

Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist, talks about some of his favorite non-waterfowl recipes. Venison, quail, etc. Get some tips on cooking wild game, even non-waterfowl species. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 45 – Introduction to DU’s South Atlantic Field Office in Charleston, South Carolina

Jamie Rader, director of conservation programs in DU’s South Atlantic Field Office, joins host Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher to discuss the region. Rader provides great information regarding specific projects and habitat efforts in the South Atlantic Region. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 44 – Attack of the Vagabond Fleas (2 of 2)

Dr. Vanessa Harriman, Ducks Unlimited Canada, joins us again to share the rest of the story about how flea infestations affect nest success of snow and Ross’s geese. We also discuss what this might mean for population dynamics of goose colonies and explore a few other questions about this curious phenomenon. Have an itch for knowledge? We try to scratch it on this episode.

Ep. 43 – Flea Season: Not Just a Concern for Canines (1 of 2)

In this episode, host Dr. Mike Brasher is joined by Dr. Vanessa Harriman, Ducks Unlimited Canada, to discuss the curious case of flea infestations in nests of snow and Ross’s geese. We learn about their discovery, prevalence, the hazards of studying them, and what leads a person to study fleas in the first place. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Bonus Episode: Arkansas Waterfowl Program Coordinator Discusses Survey, Ducks, Habitat

Luke Naylor, Arkansas waterfowl program coordinator for Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, joins hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher to talk about Arkansas November Aerial Survey, Arkansas duck season, and current habitat.  Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Bonus Episode: Habitat and Hunting Update in the Great Lakes Region (IN, IL, OH, MI)

Jay Anglin, WF360 Great Lakes Region migration editor, joins host Chris Jennings for a quick discussion regarding the current hunting conditions in the Great Lakes Region. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Bonus Episode: Habitat and Hunting Update in South Atlantic

Jamie Rader, DU’s director of operation in the South Atlantic Region, joins host Chris Jennings for a quick update on habitat and hunting in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 42 – Do Ducks and Geese Mate for Life?

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher discuss waterfowl mating systems and how behavior changes related to mating and courtship directly impact hunting as the season progresses. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 41 – Are Geese Shot Over Decoys in Poor Condition?

Host Dr. Mike Brasher talks with Dr. Drew Fowler, Wisconsin DNR, to explore the question of whether the birds we shoot over decoys have lower body condition than those in the larger population, and if so, why that might be. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 40 – Sides to the Front

Host Chris Jennings is joined by Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist, and the pair talk about sides. Leysath brings some unique sides to the forefront and discusses his favorite side dishes when serving wild game. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 39 – Myth of the Northern Mallard        

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher debunk the myth of the northern, or “red leg” mallard, and discuss an interesting taxonomic issue related to a North American waterfowl species. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 38 – Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois Shares a Must-Try Duck Recipe

Celebrity Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois joins host Chris Jennings and shares his go-to approach to preparing and cooking ducks for those who may not otherwise try a wild game dish. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Bonus Episode – Thanksgiving Narrative: "Duck Blind Intervention"

Our Thanksgiving show, plucked from the DU Magazine archives (Nov/Dec 2007), is a humorous story about the idiosyncrasies of waterfowl hunters. "Duck Blind Intervention" written by Doug Larson and narrated by Tom Gallagher.

Ep. 37 – Data Collection and Updates on 2019 Arctic Goose Production (2 of 2)

Dr. Ray Alisauskas, Research Scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, joins us again to discuss nesting ecology of snow and Ross’s geese and the types of data collected annually to estimate production. We conclude by discussing observations of goose production during the 2019 breeding season and what hunters might expect this winter. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 36 – Challenges of Studying Waterfowl in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic

World-renowned snow goose ecologist Dr. Ray Alisauskas joins the show to educate us about snow and Ross’s goose nesting colonies across the Arctic and sub-Arctic. We also discuss the long-term ecological studies conducted at these sites and the challenges of working in this environment. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 35 – Whole Duck Cooking Options from Scott Leysath

Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist joins host, Chris Jennings to discuss cooking whole ducks. Leysath provides some very valuable insights as to why you shouldn’t cook your ducks whole. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 34 – Band Reporting and Band Targeting

Hosts Dr. Mike Brasher and Chris Jennings are joined by Dr. Mark Lindberg, professor at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology to discuss the ramifications of band targeting and how targeting banded birds can have repercussions on the data. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 33 – Waterfowlers Play an Important Role in Citizen-Science Programs

Hosts Dr. Mike Brasher and Chris Jennings are joined by Dr. Mark Lindberg, professor at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Institute of Arctic Biology to discuss the ways hunters play a vital role in citizen-science programs. Banding, HIP, and other various programs are supported by hunters, and are crucial to waterfowl science. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 32 – Dr. Fritz Reid Shares DU’s Boreal Conservation Efforts

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher talk Boreal Forest with Dr. Fritz Reid, director of conservation programs for the Boreal and Arctic for Ducks Unlimited. Reid explains some of the unique aspects to conservation efforts in the Boreal, including partners and difficulty in even getting there. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 31 – Talking Waterfowl Brines with Scott Leysath, DU Magazine Cooking Columnist

Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist joins host Chris Jennings to talk more waterfowl recipes. The two specifically talk about brines and how to best prepare your ducks and geese. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 30 – Dr. Fritz Reid Breaks Down the Importance of the Boreal Forest for Waterfowl Populations

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher talk Boreal Forest with Dr. Fritz Reid, director of conservation programs for the Boreal and Arctic for Ducks Unlimited. Reid details his role and brings to light the importance of Boreal habitats for waterfowl and other birds. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Bonus Episode - Migration Alert: Hunting and Habitat Update for Illinois

In this episode, Aaron Yetter, Waterfowl Ecologist with the Illinois Natural History Survey, shares results and observations from their most recent aerial waterfowl survey. The combination of cold weather and open hunting seasons helped push up mallard numbers, while other species were variable from the previous survey.

Ep. 29 – Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois Shares His Best Day in the Duck Blind

Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois rejoins host Chris Jennings on the show to talk about his best day duck hunting. Bourgeois describes a day in the south Louisiana marshes, the birds, and the meal shared after the hunt. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 28 – Do Ducks and Geese Learn?

DU Chief Scientist Dr. Tom Moorman joins host Chris Jennings to discuss how and why ducks and geese learn. These conditioned behaviors such as being able to identify decoys, spinning-wing decoys and sensing danger are a part of waterfowl’s ability to survive. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 27 – Scott Leysath Shares his Five Favorite Waterfowl Recipes   

Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist joins host Chris Jennings on this episode to share his five favorite waterfowl recipes. A few of these recipes may surprise you. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 26 – Scott Leysath Joins the Show to Talk Waterfowl Recipes

Scott Leysath, DU Magazine cooking columnist joins host Chris Jennings and shares his story about how he become a well-known wild game chef. Leysath also explains his number one rule for cooking waterfowl. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Bonus Episode – Migration Alert: Real-Time Hunting and Habitat Update for Michigan & Indiana

With winter weather immanent across the Great Lakes, host Chris Jennings brings Jay Anglin, DU’s Great Lakes Region migration editor on the show to discuss what he is seeing and hearing in Indiana and Michigan. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 25 – Introducing a Science-Based Approach to Duck Migration Forecasts (Part 2 of 2)

Host Dr. Mike Brasher brings in Dr. Mike Schummer to explain his current project of a weekly duck migration forecast. Schummer is the Roosevelt Waterfowl Ecologist at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Bonus Episode – Migration Alert: Reports of Massive Concentrations of Redheads Along Texas Coast (Nov. 6)

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher talk with Andy Stetter, supervisory wildlife biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge Complex in south Texas. Stetter spent the weekend chasing ducks along the coast and witnessed huge flocks of redheads arriving along the coast. Listen to his report. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 24 – Introducing a Science-Based Approach to Duck Migration Forecast (Part 1 of 2)

Host Dr. Mike Brasher brings in Dr. Mike Schummer to explain his current project of a weekly duck migration forecast. Schummer is the Roosevelt Waterfowl Ecologist at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 23 – Elevated Great Lakes Levels in 2019       

Host Dr. Mike Brasher talks with Kali Rush, regional biologist in DU’s Ann Arbor, Michigan office about elevated lake levels and how the high levels in 2019 impact waterfowl habitat. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 22 – Two Sides of a Drought

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher discuss an Understanding Waterfowl column Brasher wrote several years ago regarding how drought impacts waterfowl habitats negatively and positively. Brasher explains that while most people think that drought is detrimental to habitat, it actually has many benefits. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 21 – DU Chief Scientist Explains Hunting Pressure and the Impacts on Wintering Distribution (3 of 3)

Dr. Tom Moorman, DU's chief scientist, joins host Chris Jennings to discuss one of the biggest questions from last season, “Where were the ducks?” In this episode, Moorman focuses the conversation on hunting pressure, and how that can impact wintering waterfowl distribution. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 20 – DU Chief Scientist Talks Landscape Changes in Regard to Wintering Distribution (2 of 3)

Dr. Tom Moorman, DU's chief scientist, joins host Chris Jennings to discuss one of the biggest questions from last season, “Where were the ducks?” Moorman brings to light several landscape changes that can shift wintering distribution of waterfowl in North America. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.Read the transcript.

Ep. 19 – DU Chief Scientist Discusses Last Season’s Question “Where were the ducks?” (1 of 3)

Dr. Tom Moorman, DU's chief scientist, joins host Chris Jennings to discuss one of the biggest questions from last season, “Where were the ducks?” Moorman brings to light the perfect-storm of weather conditions that created frustrating waterfowl seasons for many throughout the country. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Bonus Episode – Migration Alert: Cold Front Should Push Remaining Waterfowl Out of Prairie Canada (Oct. 31, 2019)

Dr. Scott Stephens, Ducks Unlimited Canada’s director of operations for the prairie and Boreal Forest goes into detail about how the migration progressed across the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region. Stephens shares some insight into why the latest cold front will send the majority of waterfowl south. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.  Read the transcript.


Ep. 18 – Dr. Brasher Discusses Research Performed on Paired Drake Mallards Versus Unpaired Drake Mallards

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher discuss Brasher’s Master’s Degree research project that focused on learning what unpaired males did during the breeding period. His research worked to gain a better understanding and definition of bachelor groups that are not counted in waterfowl breeding surveys. Read the transcript.

Ep. 17 – Marsh Terracing in South Louisiana

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher discuss DU’s Marsh Terracing Projects in Coastal Louisiana. Marsh Terracing is one of the many ways DU, working with many partners, is combating marsh loss along the Gulf Coast. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 16 – Celebrity Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois Joins the Show

Host Chris Jennings sits down with Chef Jean-Paul Bourgeois, celebrity chef and Ducks Unlimited supporter. Bourgeois talks about his affinity for the outdoors, wild game cooking, and growing up with DU in south Louisiana. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 15 – Notes from the 2019 North American Duck Symposium  

Host Chris Jennings is joined by co-host Dr. Mike Brasher from the North American Duck Symposium. Mike brings to light the fascinating research being done by waterfowl scientists all over the continent. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 14 – Talking Blue-winged Ducks

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher talk about blue-winged ducks – blue-winged teal, cinnamon teal, and northern shovelers. Mike discusses these species unique abilities and what separates them from other waterfowl. He also provides an update on how these species’ names have been updated based on phylogenetic classing. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 13 – Waterfowl Staging Before Migration

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher discuss the unique life cycle period in which waterfowl stage on the prairie, preparing for migration. Ducks and geese alike have a singular focus at this time, which is also valuable information for hunters in these regions. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 12 – Tony Vandemore Joins the Show to Discuss Habitat Changes Caused by Spring  Flooding (Part 2 of 2)

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher catch up with Tony Vandemore, co-owner and operator of Habitat Flats. The crew discuss the habitat changes brought on by spring and summer flooding in Vandemore’s region of northwest Missouri and how this may impact migration and wintering. They also touch on 2019 Light Goose Conservation Order and a few other topics. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 11 – Tony Vandemore Joins the Show to Discuss Habitat Changes Caused by Spring and Summer Flooding (1 of 2)

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher catch up with Tony Vandemore, co-owner and operator of Habitat Flats. The crew discuss the habitat changes brought on by spring and summer flooding in Vandemore’s region of northwest Missouri and how this may impact migration and wintering. They also touch on 2019 Light Goose Conservation Order and a few other topics.  Read the transcript. 

Ep. 10 – Urban Mallard Research with Dr. Ben O’Neal (Part 2 of 2)

Host Dr. Mike Brasher discusses interesting research being done on urban mallards and the role they play in hunter harvest with Dr. Ben O’Neal. O’Neal serves as a wildlife ecology professor at Franklin College just south of Indianapolis and is studying the impacts of urban mallards in relation to harvest opportunities for hunters near metro areas. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you.

Ep. 9 – Urban Mallard Research with Dr. Ben O’Neal (Part 1 of 2)

Host Dr. Mike Brasher discusses interesting research being done on urban mallards and the role they play in hunter harvest with Dr. Ben O’Neal. O’Neal serves as a wildlife ecology professor at Franklin College just south of Indianapolis and is studying the impacts of urban mallards in relation to harvest opportunities for hunters near metro areas. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 8 – Jim Ronquest Joins the Show to Talk Ducks and Duck Calling

Host Chris Jennings talks with Jim Ronquest, RNT-V producer and world-champion duck caller about duck hunting etiquette, calling, and even what Ronquest’s best day of duck hunting may look like. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 7 – Speck Hunting with Brook Richard from Higdon Outdoors

Host Chris Jennings talks white-fronted goose hunting with Brook Richard, Higdon Outdoors manager of corporate relations. Richard is a respected white-fronted goose caller and hunter who offers insights into becoming a better specklebelly hunter. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 6 – 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations Survey – Diving Duck Species

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dr. Tom Moorman, DU Chief Scientist to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) report on 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS, Canadian Wildlife Service, and other partners. This episode focuses on diving duck species breeding estimates in the U.S. and Canada. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 5 – 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations Survey – Green-winged teal, Gadwall, American Wigeon

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dr. Tom Moorman, DU Chief Scientist to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) report on 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS, Canadian Wildlife Service, and other partners. This episode focuses on Green-winged teal, Gadwall, American Wigeon breeding estimates in the U.S. and Canada. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 4 – 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations Survey – Blue-winged teal, Northern Pintails, Northern Shovelers

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dr. Tom Moorman, DU Chief Scientist to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) report on 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS, Canadian Wildlife Service, and other partners. This episode focuses on blue-winged teal, northern pintails, and northern shoveler breeding estimates in the U.S. and Canadian Prairies. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 3 – Pond Counts throughout U.S. and Canada, along with a Mallard Population Discussion

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dr. Tom Moorman, DU Chief Scientist to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) report on 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS, Canadian Wildlife Service, and other partners. This podcast focuses on Pond Counts and breakdown what pond counts are, and what that means for breeding habitat. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript. 

Ep. 2 – North American Waterfowl Populations (Waterfowl Survey Overview)

Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher are joined by Dr. Tom Moorman, DU Chief Scientist to discuss the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) report on 2019 Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, based on surveys conducted in May and early June by FWS, Canadian Wildlife Service, and other partners.The trio dive into what the survey does for waterfowl managers and what it means for waterfowl hunters. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

Ep. 1 – Introduction Show

Welcome to the Ducks Unlimited Podcast. Hosts Chris Jennings and Dr. Mike Brasher provide a brief overview of what to expect with the DU Podcast moving forward. The DU Podcast will focus on conservation, research, the science behind Ducks Unlimited mission, as well as hunting tactics and prominent guests throughout the waterfowl community. Download and subscribe to follow along with all things waterfowl as the DU Podcast brings the resource to you. Read the transcript.

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