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LAS VEGAS – The 38th Annual Ducks Unlimited Ducks in the Desert Las Vegas Continental Shoot was held March 13-17, at the Clark County Shooting Complex.

The competition, presented by Browning Firearms and Federal Ammunition, hosted skilled sporting clay shooters from around North America supporting wetlands conservation and shooting for thousands of dollars in prizes.

“This was another great year for Ducks in the Desert, thanks to our participants, sponsors and donors,” said Shoot Chairman Joe Mazon. “Most importantly, thanks to all our volunteers who hosted this multiday event. It could not happen without them.”

This year, the Las Vegas Continental Shoot featured the 100-target preliminary and 200-target Main Events, 50-target sub-gauge and Super Sporting events, 100-target 5-STAND and a practice 5 stand that included chances to win guns and prizes.

Dan Callahan from Colorado was the High Overall Shooter in the Main Event with a total of 191.

“In addition to our Saturday evening banquet, this year we added our inaugural St. Patrick’s Palooza, a free party on Friday night,” Mazon said.

All events are governed by National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) rules, but membership in the NSCA is not required to participate in the tournament.

Click here to learn more about Ducks Unlimited’s Continental Shoots, including the 2024 Ducks in the Timber Eastern Shoot, set for May 1-5 in Palmyra, Tenn.

About Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited Inc. is the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving North America's continually disappearing wetlands, grasslands and other waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has restored or protected more than 19 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent. Guided by science, DU’s projects benefit waterfowl, wildlife and people in all 50 states. DU is growing its mission through a historic $3 billion 
Conservation For A Continent comprehensive campaign. Learn more at