2024 DU Ducks in the Timber Eastern Continental Shoot a Success
The third annual sporting clays event raises money for wetlands conservation
The third annual sporting clays event raises money for wetlands conservation
Scholastic Clay Target Program participant Allie Watson takes aim
CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. – The Third Annual Ducks Unlimited Ducks in the Timber Eastern Continental Shoot was held May 1-5, at the Cross Creek Clays in Palmyra, Tenn.
The competition, presented by Weatherby Firearms, Reeds Family Outdoor Outfitters, Federal Ammunition and Turnbull Restoration, hosted skilled sporting clay shooters from around North America supporting wetlands conservation and shooting for thousands of dollars in prizes.
“We are very thankful to our many supporters, sponsors and volunteers for helping to make this event so successful,” said DU National Shoot Chairman Joe Mazon. “Everyone involved works hard to make sure our Ducks in the Timber event is one shooters want to attend year after year.”
This year, the Ducks in the Timber Shoot featured the 100-target preliminary and 200-target Main Events, 50-target sub-gauge and Super Sporting, 5-STAND events and a practice 5 Stand and Long Bird competition that included chances to win guns and prizes. This year the event also featured entertainment and a Saturday night banquet.
Robert Redmond was the High Overall Shooter in the Main Event with a total score of 189. For complete shoot results visit scorechaser.com.
All events are governed by National Sporting Clays Association (NSCA) rules. This event is open to NSCA Registered Shoot Classes and Hunter/Lewis Classes for Non-Registered Shooters.
Twenty-four young Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) shooters competed in SCTP Junior Varsity, Varsity and Collegiate Classes for SCTP Medals. SCTP shooters included Allie Watson from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, the 2023 SCTP Female Varsity Champion in Handicap Trap.
Gabrielle “Gabi” Worthen from Dickson, Tennessee, and Hunter Webb from Bloomington, Indiana, battled it out in the SCTP Varsity Class. Worthen finished the Main Event with a score of 178, beating Webb’s 176 score to win the Varsity Class. Worthen also won the NSCA Junior Class and the Lady Concurrent Class.
Ducks Unlimited’s Third Annual Ducks in the Timber Eastern Continental Shoot will be featured on an upcoming episode of DU Nation on YouTube.
Click here to learn more about Ducks Unlimited’s Continental Shoots.
About Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited Inc. is the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving North America's continually disappearing wetlands, grasslands and other waterfowl habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has restored or protected more than 19 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million supporters across the continent. Guided by science, DU’s projects benefit waterfowl, wildlife and people in all 50 states. DU is growing its mission through a historic $3 billion Conservation For A Continent capital campaign. Learn more at www.ducks.org.
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