World Wetlands Day

Join the cause! Celebrated annually on February 2, World Wetlands Day is a call to action to appreciate, protect and preserve wetlands and the vital impact these ecosystems have on our planet. Let's raise awareness and make a difference for generations to come. 

What is World Wetlands Day?

It is a day to promote action and awareness of wetlands and their importance to our ecosystem. Here are a few of the impacts that wetlands have on our world:

When is World Wetlands Day?

It is celebrated annually on February 2.

How can we celebrate World Wetlands Day?

Wetlands play a significant role in the health of our ecosystems. Every day, wetlands and associated habitats are being degraded and destroyed across the continent. In order to reverse this trend, we ALL need to do our part. Help promote awareness of the importance of wetlands and their impact on our lives and the planet. Find and reach out to your local Duck’s Unlimited chapter and see how you can leave your mark.

You can also show your support by donating to DU’s conservation efforts. Every acre conserved, every wetland restored, and every habitat protected, is made possible by your support.

What else can you do? Find out more on the World Wetlands Day site!

What are some of the previous World Wetlands Day themes?

2022 - Wetlands action for people and Nature
2021 - Wetlands and water
2020 - Wetlands and Biodiversity
2019 - Wetlands and Climate Change
2018 - Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future


Additional Resources:

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