T.M. Goodwin WMA - Marsh Restoration
Purpose: To restore 3,870 acres of emergent marsh on T.M. Goodwin WMA through improvement of 2 miles of existing internal levees, installation of 10 water control structures, and construction of 2 permanent pumping stations. Management of impoundments would emphasize production of emergent plants that are important waterfowl foods, such as wild millet and smartweed. Regulation of water levels would be the principle tool used to manage plant communities. Habitat restoration on T.M. Goodwin WMA will provide excellent wintering food and cover for numerous duck species including ring-necked ducks, blue-winged teal, wigeon, mottled ducks and pintail. This project is managed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to maintain high quality wetland habitat for wintering and resident waterfowl, while providing public hunting opportunities.
Location: Approx. 7 miles northwest of Fellsmere, FL (Brevard County)
Acres Impacted: 3,870 acres
Habitat Type: Emergent Marsh
Moist-Soil Wetlands
Partners: St. Johns River Water Management District
North American Wetlands Conservation Council
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in summer 1996
DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs - Florida
3896 Leeds Avenue
Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 745-9110
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