
Ducks Unlimited asks you to vote YES on Amendment 2 on November’s ballot.

Amendment 2 will protect our right to fish and hunt in Florida for all future generations. The amendment seeks to preserve traditional fishing and hunting practices, like waterfowling, to ensure responsible wildlife management, and safeguard these activities from potential bans.

DU was founded by hunter-conservationists in 1937, and science-based wetland conservation has always been our mission. Wildlife management, hunting and habitat conservation in North America are interdependent, and DU strongly supports hunting. The financial contributions of hunters and recreational shooters, through mechanisms such as their hunting licenses, duck stamps and excise taxes on sporting arms and ammunition, as well as charitable donations, provide the foundation for conservation funding throughout the nation.

DU recognizes that our mission may only be achieved through the strong and broad-based support of people. Ducks Unlimited, Inc. supports sustainable pursuit of scientifically managed, renewable wildlife resources and opposes efforts that unnecessarily infringe or restrict such hunting or that negatively impacts the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

Threats to this science-based conservation model are real and are unfolding across the United States every day, sowe must strengthen protections for Americans’ right to hunt and fish whenever possible. Amendment 2 will protectthe rights of Floridians to hunt and fish and ensure that regulations issued by the Florida Wildlife Commission will be driven by science. Most importantly, this amendment will ensure that future generations may enjoy these time-honored activities and protect the wetlands and habitats that sustain them.

By supporting Amendment 2, Florida voters are helping to strengthen the longstanding model of conservation that enhances ecosystems and supports healthy game populations. This will create lasting opportunities for both Floridians and visitors to enjoy Florida’s natural resources. It will preserve the thrill of our fishing and hunting while ensuring these experiences remain sustainable and accessible for future generations.

This November, vote YES on Amendment 2 to support the right to fish and hunt in Florida.