St. Marks NWR - Marsh Enhancement
Purpose: To replace an old water control structure between Stoney Bayou Pool and East River Diversion Canal on St. Marks NWR. The previous structure had deteriorated; failure to replace the nonfunctioning water control structure would inhibit wetland management programs. The new structure will allow gravity flow of freshwater into management impoundments and prevent saltwater intrusion during the growing season. Wetland management on St. Marks NWR is aimed at improving or maintaining suitable habitat for wintering waterfowl, endangered and threatened species, and a variety of other migratory and resident wildlife species, while providing various public use opportunities. This project is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain high quality wetland habitat for wintering and resident waterfowl.
Location: Approx. 5 miles east of St. Marks, FL (Wakulla County)
Acres Impacted: 350 acres
Habitat Type: Freshwater Marsh
Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 1997
DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs - Florida
3896 Leeds Avenue
Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 745-9110
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