Wee Tee Bottoms State Forest -Wetlands Acquisition
Purpose: The purpose of this project was to provide financial assistance in conjunction with other conservation partners for the acquisition of a large block of contiguous uplands and forested wetlands along the Santee River. The acquisition of bottomland hardwoods (12,449 acres) provides valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl near the Santee River. Wood duck utilization is normally high year-round and exceptionally high when bottomland hardwoods forests are flooded. Swallow-tailed kites use this area for roosting and foraging. In addition, a large variety of neotropical migrant songbirds will use bottomland hardwoods during the breeding season. Public benefits include protection of water quality for fish, wildlife and downstream marine resources, as well as, recreation for fishing, hunting, hiking, canoeing and birdwatching. The area will be managed by South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources.
Location: Approximately 12 miles southwest of Andrews, SC (Williamsburg County).
Acres Impacted: 12,449 acres
Habitat Types: Bottomland Hardwoods / Baldcypress-Tupelo Brakes (11,667 acres)
Pine-Mixed Hardwoods (772 acres)
Partners: SC Department of Natural Resources
National Wild Turkey Federation
The Conservation Fund
U.S. Forest Service
SC Forestry Commission
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Acquisition was completed in the spring of 2003
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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