SCDU Wood Duck Experience 2019
Please join Ducks Unlimited (DU) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on Saturday, September 7, 2019 for a special morning at Santee National Wildlife Refuge (SNWR). DU staff and Refuge Biologists will spend the morning banding Wood Ducks with attendees followed by a brief site tour highlighting the efforts at the refuge and the benefits of the partnership with DU to wetland habitats.
Since 2010, DU and USFWS have enhanced more than 1,800 acres within the Bluff, Cuddo and Pine Island Units of the refuge and the site visit will give attendees the opportunity to see how the Refuge operates.
When: Saturday, September 7, 2019.
Arrive between 5:155:45 am at the Visitors Center for coffee and doughnuts. Approximately 6 am, leave Visitors Center for duck banding with focus on Wood Ducks to assess breeding success and recruitment. Banding will be followed by a site tour to highlight recent DU projects at SNWR.
Where: Santee National Wildlife Refuge, 2125 Fort Watson Road, Summerton, SC 29148
Who: Any interested volunteers. Most enjoyed by ages 6 and up. Please ensure all children are accompanied by an adult.
What to Where: Comfortable, outdoor clothes. You will not enter any water. There is no need for waders or hip boots. Most attendees wear tennis shoes or even sandals. The exception will be if it has rained within the last 24 hours and it may be muddy. Please plan for an early morning chill and mosquitos, etc...
Additional Questions? Contact Everett Stubbs at 803-374-0306 or
Please complete the registration form below in order to join South Carolina Ducks Unlimited on September 7, 2019 at Santee National Wildlife Refuge to band wood ducks. If you have multiple people coming with you, please complete this form for each attendee.
**We appreciate your willingness to join us and help give back in this unique way. Your registration confirms your space. While we know circumstances change, we will be planning logistics based on your commitment, and we look forward to seeing all of you early on September 7.
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