Union County Arkansas Chapter
Once again, the Union County Chapter in El Dorado, Ark., showed why they are annually a Top 100 chapter during their fall event this past October. The chapter honored their co-chairman Kathy Clayton, a breast cancer survivor, by wearing the traditional breast cancer awareness pink shirts embroidered with the DU logo the night of the event. Clayton and co-chairman, John Mooney, were the backbones behind this very special night for ducks.
Bob Butler, regional director for central Arkansas said, "This is an outstanding committee with so much passion and determination. Kathy and John do an incredible job leading this committee to success year in and year out."
This chapter is different than most because they consist of mainly couples that work very hard together and as a group to put on the event. This committee likes to add a unique twist with their personal touches to the tables, table tops and decorations. They pride themselves in the set up and make sure the venue has a comfortable family-oriented atmosphere for all attendees.
"They go above and beyond to make sure their presentation of the merchandise and venue is very special," Butler said. "The committee members work extremely hard for the ducks and that's what makes this event such a success every year."
Union County Chapter not only hosts one of the top dinner events each year, but also boasts the Top Sponsor event and Ladies event in Arkansas.
"Union County is the home of last year's District Chairman of the Year and Area Chairman of the Year. They will continue to host very strong events year after year with the leadership and strong committee they have in place," said Butler.
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