Tom Disharoon
Tom Disharoon of Richmond, VA becomes a Benefactor Sponsor
Tom Disharoon of Richmond, VA becomes a Benefactor Sponsor
Tom Disharoon of Richmond, VA recently gave DU a $50,000 unrestricted cash gift, making him a Benefactor Sponsor. His wife, Margie, passed away last year, and was also a strong DU supporter. Together they attended the Richmond DU Dinner, the Virginia Granders and Virginia Conservation Partners events for several years. They have a daughter Margaret and two sons, Ben and Tommy, who are both Life Sponsors. Ben is also a volunteer on the Richmond DU Committee. Tom first became a Bronze Sponsor in 1970 and has been a DU member since the early 60s. Tom believes in DUs mission because he has seen first-hand what DU has accomplished on the ground in Virginia, and he understands the importance of our volunteers in helping DU to achieve our conservation goals. He chose to make his gift unrestricted so that his dollars can be used most efficiently and effectively for the ducks.
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