The SOS Act - Ducks Unlimited Needs Your Help
Let your voice be heard
Let your voice be heard
Ducks Unlimited needs your help! As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on the world economy. Charitable organizations, like DU, are not immune to the financial hardships that many businesses around the country are also facing. During this crisis, Ducks Unlimited has already canceled more than 2,000 scheduled events, resulting in an estimated loss of nearly $21 million in revenue.
Congress has already passed legislation to aid small businesses, but non-profit organizations with greater than 500 employees are unable to access these relief funds. We are asking you to contact your Representative and urge them to sign the dear colleague letter by Rep. Seth Moulton (MA) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA) to support their bill, the Save our Organizations that Serve (SOS) Act, and to ensure the language they've offered is included in any future stimulus package.
This bill would provide the same relief that other businesses are already receiving and apply that to non-profits - through means such as removing the 500-employee cap that currently prohibits mid-sized charitable organizations from accessing SBA loans under the CARES Act.
By voicing your support, you're helping to ensure Ducks Unlimited can continue to protect the future of waterfowl and waterfowl habitat for the next generation.
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