Supporters Unite to Celebrate Kentucky Wetland
Sloughs Wildlife Management Area dedicated during event
Sloughs Wildlife Management Area dedicated during event
More than 50 Kentucky Ducks Unlimited supporters, donors and partners celebrated the rejuvenation of wetland habitat at Sloughs Wildlife Management Area (WMA) on Oct. 7 in Henderson County.
The dedication of the Crenshaw Tract Project was a special moment for Kentucky residents.
"Our volunteers and supporters can see the rewards of their donations and see that we're working together and to give Kentucky the biggest bang for its buck," said Barry Welty, Kentucky Conservation Committee chairman.
In 2016, Ducks Unlimited finished an enhancement and restoration project that created 109 acres of managed shallow-water wetland habitat in six pools on the Crenshaw Tract of Sloughs WMA. The project enhanced 22 acres of existing habitat and restored seasonal hydrology on another 87 acres of open land. This project is a short distance from the confluence of three important river systems - the Wabash and Ohio Rivers to the west and the Green and Ohio Rivers to the east.
Sloughs is an important wetland and waterfowl complex of approximately 11,00 acres of Ohio River floodplain open to annual flooding. The wetlands on Sloughs serve as a migration stopover for significant numbers of migrating waterfowl and provide wintering habitat for about 32,000 ducks and 31,000 Canada, snow and white-fronted geese. Peak waterfowl concentrations generally occur in January and early February.
Sloughs is recognized as a high priority area for waterfowl, shorebirds and other wetland dependent water birds. The bottomland hardwood habitats in the region are also used extensively by various species of land birds and other wildlife.
Guests of the dedication toured the area, and Welty said the waterfowling results have been impressive.
"They've had quite a bit of hunter success out there with the new vegetation," he said.
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