Statement on Minnesota hunting licenses
April 17, 2020
Dear Minnesota Anglers and Hunters:
While there are many uncertainties today, you can count on the start of the Minnesota hunting and fishing seasons. Governor Walz's stay at home order actually encourages people to get outdoors and engage in activities that include hunting and fishing.
Whether or not you're planning to hit the water or the woods in the coming weeks, you can still make a positive difference for our fish and wildlife today! If your circumstances allow, we encourage you to buy fishing and hunting licenses and stamps, even if you do not plan to fish or hunt.
Not everyone realizes the management of fish and wildlife by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife, is paid for by hunters and anglers. This is done through the sale of fishing, hunting and related licenses and stamps, as well as federal excise taxes on fishing and hunting equipment purchases. This vital work is funded by anglers and hunters. It is not funded by property or general income taxes.
We in the hunting and angling community have a long history of stepping up during times of adversity to promote fish and wildlife management and conservation. Some of the best programs operating today were created in the shadow of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Many retail locations that sell licenses remain open, and we encourage you to support them. If you'd prefer not to go out, you can also purchase these from home. Visit the DNR webpage, or call the DNR at 888-665-4236.
We hope you are able to get outside and enjoy the activities you love. If you do so, please stay close to home and follow the social distancing guidelines set forth by Governor Walz. Most of all, stay safe.
Thank you.
Beaver Creek Sportsman's Club
Central Lakes College Natural Resources Club
Delta Waterfowl
Ducks Unlimited
Fergus Falls Fish and Game Club
Fox Lake Conservation Club
Jackson County Conservation League
Lake Benton Sportsmen's Club
Lake Superior Steelhead Association
Minnesota Anglers for Habitat
Minnesota Backcounty Hunters and Anglers
Minnesota Conservation Federation
Minnesota Darkhouse & Angling Association
Minnesota Deer Hunters Association
Minnesota Anglers and Hunters Letter 2
Minnesota Division Izaak Walton League
Minnesota Muskie and Pike Alliance
Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Alliance
Minnesota Pheasants, Inc., Blue Earth County
Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society
Minnesota Sharp-Tailed Grouse Society
Minnesota Trout Association
Minnesota Trout Unlimited
MN-FISH Sportfishing Foundation & Coalition
National Trout Center
National Wild Turkey Federation
New Ulm Area Sport Fishermen
Nicollet Conservation Club
North Heron Lake Game Producers
Pheasants Forever
Quail Forever
Rainy Lake Guide Association
Rainy Lake Sportfishing Club
Round Lake Sportsmans Club
Ruffed Grouse Society
South St. Paul Gun Club
Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters
Viking Sportsmen
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