Montana Ducks Unlimited celebrates Bruce Posey
A prairie cairn and plaque commemorate tribute supporters
A prairie cairn and plaque commemorate tribute supporters
Ducks Unlimited volunteers and staff gathered last weekend on the prairies of northeastern Montana to dedicate a plaque and cairn to Bruce Posey, a long-time DU sponsor, leader and volunteer.
The fundraising tribute, which began in 2018 and included a capstone dinner in Billings, raised more than $6 million for Ducks Unlimiteds work in the Prairie Pothole Region and other priority areas.
Bruce developed a love for the outdoors at an early age while hunting with his father and went on to become an avid waterfowler. Three decades ago, he went to his first DU dinner in Billings, an event he later chaired. Under his leadership, the Billings dinner flourished and he devoted himself to Ducks Unlimiteds mission. His volunteer leadership positions include area chair, state chair, and national board member as senior vice president.
The Posey tribute resulted in 45 new DU major sponsor commitments. Several of those sponsors came to the Oct. 12 dedication where a special bronze plaque showcases their generous support.
The dedication site is on a 1200-acre property of native shortgrass prairie grasslands, wetlands, riparian habitat and a creek. The land was acquired through DUs revolving lands program. Habitat on the property is permanently protected and the land will be sold to a conservation-minded buyer, likely an area rancher. Ducks Unlimited is hoping to work with the future landowner to maintain long-term access to the 30-acre dedication site for future events and educational opportunities.
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