Louisiana chapters make President's Roll of Honor
Eight LADU chapters make the list
Eight LADU chapters make the list
DUs Presidents Roll of Honor is one of the most highly coveted recognition awards Ducks Unlimited offers its local chapters. Each year, the list is comprised of the chapters in the United States that raise between $65,000 and $100,000 through fundraising activities in their communities. Through the efforts of these volunteer committees, DU is able to pursue its mission of conserving, enhancing and restoring North Americas wetlands. In 2016, eight chapters in Louisiana made the Presidents Roll of Honor list.
These fundraising events are the backbone of DUs habitat conservation efforts, and the volunteers who make up these chapters are the force driving DU and helping make a difference for North American waterfowl populations, said DU President Paul Bonderson. It takes a great deal of effort to break into the Presidents Roll of Honor, and these chapters deserve to be congratulated by every person who enjoys the outdoors.
These chapters earned spots on the Presidents Roll of Honor list out of the more than 2,600 DU chapters nationwide that host more than 3,900 fundraising events throughout the year. DUs event fundraising system has become a model for other conservation organizations around the world and has funded a significant portion of the more than 13.8 million acres of wetlands and associated habitat DU has conserved since 1937.
This years chapters from Louisiana include:
The 2016 Presidents Roll of Honor chapters also have the distinction of being honored during DUs 80th National Convention in San Antonio, May 31 June 4, with many chapter representatives in attendance.
DU chapters across the country are showing that the future of waterfowl populations and the wetlands that filter our water and protect us from flooding are important to them and to their communities, Bonderson added. The more money we raise, the more habitat we can conserve and the closer we are to preserving our waterfowl hunting heritage. I would like to personally thank all our Presidents Roll of Honor chapters for their achievement and look forward to seeing them among our distinguished chapters again next year.
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