License plates drive broad conservation
Since 2014 thousands of motorists have directly contributed to wetland conservation.
Since 2014 thousands of motorists have directly contributed to wetland conservation.
Ducks Unlimited license plates became available in Michigan starting in 2014, and since then thousands of motorists have directly contributed to improving wetlands across the state.
The Michigan Secretary of State requires a total of 500 new plate sales per year to continue offering specialty license plates, and DU supporters annually meet that challenge.
Thank you to all those drivers helping us reach our target for the fifth consecutive year, said Kali Rush, Ducks Unlmited Michigan biologist. License plate sales have generated over $160,000 for wetland conservation.
When motorists buy a Ducks Unlimited plate, $25 of the $35 purchase fee is given to Ducks Unlimited for work in Michigan. Renewed registration nets $10 directly to Ducks Unlimited.
License plate revenue is used at areas open that are open to public hunting. Projects funded or partially funded with license plate revenue include Shiawassee State Game Area, Manistee Marsh, Sturgeon River Sloughs and Sterling State Park.
License plate funding allows Ducks Unlmited to spread its resources across a larger footprint. In 2019, Michigan DU conservation staff invested more than $2.3 million overall to deliver 2,100 acres. Work was completed on state and federal public lands, and on private lands through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife program.
License plate sales will continue to offer flexibility as Ducks Unlmited tackles numerous efforts in 2020. Upocming projects include a NAWCA-funded acquition of 21 acres of wooded wetlands as part of the Anchor Bay Woods Preserve in New Baltimore, wetland restorations at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge and Pointe Mouillee State Game Area and continued private land wetland and grassland conservation.
Visit the Secretary of State online to learn how to order a plate.
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