Ducks Unlimited project in Oklahoma.

Ducks Unlimited

Kodiak’s gift to the Southern Prairies and Playas Initiative is funding restoration work on important wildlife habitats such as this wetland in Oklahoma.

Through the Kodiak Cares Foundation (KCF), Kodiak Gas Services Inc. recently made a significant impact on conservation by partnering with Ducks Unlimited. The partnership aligns with KCF’s strategy of creating positive, lasting change through targeted philanthropic efforts. One of KCF’s core pillars is environmental stewardship, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural resources and wildlife habitats for future generations.

In its first year as a DU Legacy Sponsor, KCF supported DU with a three-year commitment to the Southern Prairies and Playas Initiative, followed by three additional gifts in support of the Gulf Coast Initiative in Texas and a project at J.D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area near Port Arthur, Texas.

“Our Kodiak Family has always had a strong commitment to our people and communities. To help extend the heart of Kodiak to the community at large, the Kodiak Cares Foundation was created in 2021 with one key focus: to create positive change by supporting charities, our employees, and the overall community in which we operate and call home,” said Kathy Norris, vice president of sustainability and regulatory relations for Kodiak Gas Services and director of the Kodiak Cares Foundation.

With their initiative-level investments, Kodiak has provided flexibility for DU’s conservation team to move quickly on opportunities to conserve important waterfowl habitats across Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas. For example, initial investments from Kodiak supported a new staff position in the Texas Panhandle focused on restoring playa wetlands that recharge the rapidly dwindling Ogallala aquifer, as well as important infrastructure work at Mountain Park Wildlife Management Area in Oklahoma.