Kansas' Jamestown Wildlife Area Growing Strong
Ducks Unlimited and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks are in the final stages of completing Phase II of the Jamestown Wildlife Area Acquisition Project with funding provided in part by a North American Wetlands Conservation Act grant. Jamestown Wildlife Area underwent a significant expansion during Phase I of this project, thanks to the acquisition of more than 1,372 acres from willing landowners. DU and its partners also restored and enhanced 3,452 acres of wetlands and grasslands on the area through levee and berm reconstruction and removal, installation of water-control structures, and native grass plantings.
Phase II of this project focused on land acquisition, with the majority of the targeted 1,130 acres purchased. Future grants will focus on restoration and enhancement of these newly-purchased acres.
Jamestown Wildlife Area provides important migration habitat for a variety of waterfowl, including northern pintails, green-winged teal, and mallards. This wildlife area, along with nearby Talmo Marsh, will ultimately encompass nearly 10,000 acres, which will serve as a major staging area for waterfowl and other migratory birds in the heart of the Central Flyway. Jamestown Wildlife Area will also be managed for public hunting and other forms of outdoor recreation and will play an important role in water management in the Lower Republican Basin.
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