Heritage Volunteers Given Length of Service Pins
South Dakota Ducks Unlimited will be hosting a Heritage Volunteer Reception at 3:00 pm, January 26, 2019 at the SDDU State Convention being held at the Ramkota Conference Center, Pierre, SD. Those volunteers who have served as DU volunteers for 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years will receive a commemorative volunteer pin recognizing their dedication to Ducks Unlimited conservation mission. Volunteers not in attendance at the state convention will receive their pins at a later date. The following volunteers will be receiving pins:
Name | Years of Service Pin |
Aarstad, Don | 30 |
Baumberger, Brian | 20 |
Belden, Ron | 25 |
Berg, Pamela | 20 |
Berg, Richard | 25 |
Bernard, Terry | 25 |
Bickner, Harold | 25 |
Blasius, Wade | 20 |
Block, Doug | 30 |
Blum, Jay | 20 |
Boxdorfer, Terry | 30 |
Cain, Julie | 20 |
Dede, Lyle | 25 |
Donovan, Steve | 20 |
Faber, Reginald | 20 |
Fauth, Bruce | 25 |
Fauth, Wendy | 20 |
Fischer, Doyle | 25 |
Fischer, Kathryn | 20 |
Forman, John | 30 |
Foster, Stephen | 30 |
Freidel, Craig | 25 |
Freidel, Jack | 25 |
Fuerst, Kevin | 20 |
Fuller, Tom | 20 |
Goehring, Cornelius | 25 |
Grabin, Gene | 20 |
Green, John | 30 |
Green, Scott | 20 |
Gruebele, Mark | 25 |
Hagerty, Gene | 25 |
Hagseth, Sonny | 30 |
Hansen, Lowell | 30 |
Hanson, Richard | 25 |
Hatcher, Robert | 20 |
Heidelbauer, Robert | 30 |
Heidelbauer, Todd | 30 |
Hesla, Kent | 20 |
Holderby, Jim | 20 |
Hoscheid, Gary | 25 |
Isaacson, Maynard | 40 |
Jensen, Brad | 20 |
Jones, Douglas | 30 |
Kallenberger, Donald | 30 |
Keller, Becky | 20 |
Kirk, John | 20 |
Kostboth, Norman | 25 |
Larson, Gary | 20 |
Larson, Margie | 20 |
Lee, Rick | 20 |
Liesinger, Kent | 25 |
Mansheim, Van | 20 |
Maunders, Gehrig | 20 |
Mazourek, Julie | 20 |
Mazourek, Ken | 25 |
Mebius, Tom | 20 |
Meier, Bradley | 25 |
Nauman, Dale | 25 |
Oligmueller, Randy | 25 |
Olson, Larry | 20 |
Pellish, Brian | 25 |
Peterson, Gary | 30 |
Peterson, Robert | 25 |
Pitts, Brenda | 20 |
Pitts, Randy | 25 |
Ramstad, Reed | 25 |
Reinke, Darrel | 30 |
Rentz, David | 20 |
Roehr, Patty | 20 |
Rubish, Jason | 20 |
Salchert, Rick | 30 |
Schneider, Jeff | 20 |
Schneider, Mary | 20 |
Schultz, Alan | 20 |
Schutz, Bonita | 20 |
Schutz, Terry | 25 |
Sheldon, Steve | 20 |
Shields, David | 20 |
Sieverding, Donald | 25 |
Simon, Darrel | 25 |
Sisson, Dain | 25 |
Snell, Jason | 20 |
Souvignier, Thomas | 20 |
Sprung, Tim | 20 |
Steever, Joseph | 30 |
Thayer, Paul | 20 |
Thorpe, Donald | 20 |
Tilly, Dennis | 30 |
Trumm, Todd | 20 |
Tucker, Bruce | 20 |
Tyrrell, John | 20 |
Uehran, Randy | 20 |
Vosburg, Brad | 20 |
Weisbeck, Diane | 20 |
Weisbeck, Ricardo | 25 |
Wingert, Jim | 20 |
Young, Michael | 25 |
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