The Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund is a permanent and constitutionally protected funding source approved by voters to conserve Iowa's natural resources. The trust will ensure productive agricultural soils, thriving wildlife habitats and clean water for generations to come. It will address serious state problems including soil erosion, loss of wildlife habitat, flooding, water pollution and cuts in state park funding.

Sustainable funding has yet to be established, but was identified in the Constitution and passed by the voters as a 3/8 of 1% sales tax increase, which is expected to raise $180 million annually. We need your help to convince lawmakers to fund the trust.

Ducks Unlimited past CEO Dale Hall explains the importance of funding the trust.

Learn why Iowa business leaders support funding the trust.

How can I help fund the trust?

  1. Attend a local legislative forum or coffee and speak to your legislator. Learn how to talk to your legislator.
  2. Send a personal, hand-written letter to your legislator asking him or her to fund the trust by increasing the sales tax 3/8 of a penny.
  3. Invite your legislators to your DU event. Make sure they have a great time and hear from their members about supporting Funding the Trust. Learn what to say to your legislator.
  4. Call your legislators and ask them to Fund the Trust . You can find your legislator here. Learn what to say to your legislator.
  5. Write a Letter to the Editor and send to your local newspaper.
  6. Use Facebook and Twitter to advance the effort. Like the DU Iowa and IWILL Coalition Facebook pages, and share on your personal Facebook page. Then send to your legislator!

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