Enhancing Goose Creek Game Land
DU, NCWRC & Axalta improve North Carolina wetlands
DU, NCWRC & Axalta improve North Carolina wetlands
Ducks Unlimited, in partnership with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), is finalizing an agreement to secure one of two pump stations needed in the managed wetland complexes at Goose Creek Game Land in eastern North Carolina.
Located in Pamlico County, the 25-acre Hobucken Unit is one of the primary waterfowl complexes on the game land. This project will enhance habitat management capabilities on the unit through the replacement of a pump and associated water-control infrastructure. Thanks to the continued generosity and partnership of Axalta Coating Systems on public lands projects in North Carolina, DU leveraged their gift and funds from the Southeast Wetlands Initiative 3:1 with Pittman-Robertson funding. A second phase of the project, once funded, will focus on similar work in the Spring Creek Unit.
In coastal North Carolina, waterfowl, wading birds, shorebirds and other wetland dependent wildlife rely on managed wetland areas for reliable food resources. While benefitting wildlife, these impoundments are also publicly accessible for outdoor recreational activities such as birding, photography and hunting and are highly utilized by the residents of coastal North Carolina. This project is a continuation of an ongoing partnership between DU, NCWRC and Axalta Coating Systems to enhance critical wetland habitat on state- owned and managed lands in North Carolina.
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