DUx: ACE Basin
South Carolina Ducks Unlimited Experiences, or 'DUx' events, offer participants a unique opportunity to learn more about conservation efforts through small group activities across the state
South Carolina Ducks Unlimited Experiences, or 'DUx' events, offer participants a unique opportunity to learn more about conservation efforts through small group activities across the state
CHARLESTON, S.C. / January 1, 2019 / by Oliver Hartner
South Carolina Ducks Unlimited (SCDU) and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) will host a collaborative event, showcasing years of successful conservation efforts benefiting wetland habitats. Ducks Unlimited: Experiences, or "DUx" events, offer participants a unique opportunity to learn more about conservation efforts through small group activities across the state.
The first event, DUx: ACE Basin, will be held at the Bear Island WMA on February 9, 2019, and will allow guests to view wintering waterfowl and other migratory bird species. The ACE Basin-where the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto Rivers empty into the St. Helena Sound-represents one of the largest undeveloped estuaries along the Atlantic Flyway, making it an extremely valuable resource for several waterfowl species. The ACE Basin also birthed Ducks Unlimited's current conservation easement program, setting a national standard for conservation efforts across the North American continent. Events begin in the morning with searching for waterfowl species, followed by a catered lunch, and conclude with presentations and Q&A by Ducks Unlimited's Regional Biologist and SCDNR biologists and staff. Tickets will be $35 and will include lunch.
Since 1985, Ducks Unlimited has partnered with public and private entities to protect South Carolina wetlands such as the ACE Basin, ensuring viable habitat for waterfowl and various other creatures dependent upon these areas. To purchase tickets visit DUx: ACE Basin or to access other information about South Carolina Ducks Unlimited, visit www.ducks.org/south-carolina.
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