DU to Congress: Waterfowling is essential to outdoor economy
Chief Policy Officer Zach Hartman testifies before Senate subcommittee
Chief Policy Officer Zach Hartman testifies before Senate subcommittee
WASHINGTON, D.C. June 15, 2021 Today, Ducks Unlimited (DU) Chief Policy Officer Zach Hartman testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation's Tourism, Trade and Export Promotion Subcommittee. The hearing was titled "The State of Outdoor Tourism, Recreation and Ecotourism," and, as the world's leader in wetlands conservation, DU was asked to testify on behalf of America's waterfowl hunters to discuss their impact on the U.S. outdoor economy.
Ducks Unlimited's work, and the outdoor recreation access wetlands conservation provides, is a strong driver of economic activity in rural communities. It's clear that outdoor recreation, especially waterfowling, is an essential part of the U.S. economy, and there's an undeniable link between hunting and fishing, the conservation investments funded by sportsmen and women, and Americans' access to vast public lands. And when waterfowlers travel to hunt, they're visiting local outfitters, stopping at local diners and staying at local motels leaving a welcome trail of economic stimulus in small towns across the United States.
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