DU Supports Kansans for Conservation
Sustaining working lands, wildlife, and outdoor recreation in the Sunflower State
Sustaining working lands, wildlife, and outdoor recreation in the Sunflower State
From time to time, Ducks Unlimited partners with other organizations that share our passion for enhancing and protecting natural resources to help achieve a common conservation goal.
There is something to be said for strength in numbers, and realizing a shared vision sometimes requires a unified voice, echoing the same message. That's why DU is proud to be a member of the Kansans for Conservation coalition.
Kansans for Conservation represents a collection of organizations that work together to certify a healthy and sustainable future for everyone in the Sunflower State by focusing on three key resources—working lands, wildlife, and parks and outdoor recreation, with an education component included in all three categories. Founded in 2017, the coalition's goals are to invest in the future of Kansans, preserve the state's quality of life and support working lands.
Agriculture is the main function on nearly 90 percent of the land in Kansas, making ag production the state's largest economic sector and 6th in the nation. In a nutshell, agriculture represents the state's economy, history and culture, and Kansans for Conservation wants to keep it that way. An investment in protecting the soils and working lands represents an investment in the entire agricultural chain, from production to retailer. Agriculture is also critical to Kansas wildlife, which exists almost entirely on private lands. Voluntary, incentive-based conservation programs for farmers and ranchers are the backbone of wildlife habitat and deserve sustained financial commitment.
Kansans are afforded a quality of life unlike any other state in the Great Plains. The mission of Kansans for Conservation is to ensure it remains that way. Children deserve outdoor spaces to run, play and interact with nature for their physical and mental health. Investing in infrastructure like parks, trails and natural areas also attracts business to communities and provides safe places for families to recreate. Safeguarding these environmental and outdoor learning experiences is critical to the success of our state's long-term conservation efforts.
Outdoor recreation is also critical to Kansans' bottom line. Every year people from far and wide visit to hunt, fish, hike, bike and boat any number of publicly accessible venues. All told, outdoor recreation in the state generates $1.8 billion from consumer spending, another $481 million in state and local taxes, and supports 71,000 jobs. Whether camping under the stars, hunting upland game and waterfowl or fishing on its many lakes, Kansas is a sight to behold that keeps people coming back.
Thirty-five other states have state-based conservation funds, and it's time for Kansas to join their ranks by investing in quality-of-life infrastructure that builds communities, bolsters the economy and attracts and maintains a top-notch workforce.
How can you help? Contact your legislators and encourage them to help Kansas' agricultural economy grow, preserve the quality of life for future generations and uphold public access to recreation by establishing dedicated conservation funding for 2024.
Visit www.kansansforconservation.org for more information on the long-term success of conservation efforts in Kansas, news highlights related to the state's ag and outdoor industries and how to become a supporting member as we work to create immediate, permanent and reliable solutions. It's good for business, it’s good for Kansas wildlife and it's good for future generations.
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