Diane Labouisse Establishes DU Scholarship at LSU
Along with her late husband, J. Peter Pete Labouisse, Diane Sustendal Labouisse has been a longtime Ducks Unlimited volunteer and supporter of the organizations mission. Active in the New Orleans chapter for decades, the couple truly exemplify what it means to be part of the DU family. Mr. Labouisses involvement included serving on the DU General Membership, Sponsor, and Major Donor Committees. He was also instrumental in identifying and securing new major donors for DU. Mr. Labouisse was recognized as a Life Sponsor who had more than 40 years of service and contributions to wetlands and waterfowl conservation efforts.
Pete was passionate about Ducks Unlimited, Diane says. He served on numerous DU committees and wanted to have an impact on Louisiana coastal marshes, where he spent time with family and friends in pursuit of migratory waterfowl. I am pleased to support future generations of waterfowl biologists as a way of honoring Pete through the John Peter Labouisse III/Ducks Unlimited Scholarship at Louisiana State University.
DU received a gift from Diane in the amount of $100,000 to establish a permanent endowment for the purpose of graduate-level scholarships. The annual scholarship fund was established in January 2021 at the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center (LSUAC) and will be awarded to one LSUAC School of Renewable Natural Resources graduate student pursing a course of study focused on waterfowl, wetland management, or wetland ecology. The amount of the award will be a minimum of $2,000 per semester, or $4,000 per year.
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