Conservation Easements Protect Wildlife Habitats in Perpetuity
For more than 30 years, Ducks Unlimited has been using conservation easements to protect important waterfowl habitats across North America. A conservation easement allows the landowner to retain the right to use the land for farming and outdoor recreation while protecting the property in its natural and undeveloped state.
A conservation easement is a legal agreement that restricts the type and amount of development that may take place on a property. DU accepts easements in perpetuity through its affiliate, Wetlands America Trust, as well as accompanying donations to cover associated costs such as annual monitoring. DU monitors the property on a yearly basis to ensure the protection of its natural resources for years to come. Such protection ensures that large acreages of wetlands, riparian habitats, and important uplands will be preserved for the benefit of waterfowl and other wildlife, as well as the enjoyment of future generations.
The conservation easement partnership between a landowner and DU may result in a reduction of current income taxes and estate taxes. Landowners interested in conservation easements should work with their tax advisors to determine any financial benefits they might receive.
Most of Americas remaining wetlands are found on private lands. As a landowner, you can be an integral part of DUs conservation work. DU believes that many lands can benefit wildlife and produce an economic return to their owner at the same time. DU can also provide technical advice and help landowners adopt wildlife-friendly management practices.
For more information about conservation easements, visit or contact the DU office in your region.
(Left to right) Chris, Jody, and Joel Tamsberg celebrate the fruits of a hunt at Salt Water Marsh.
Diamond Legacy Sponsor Jody Tamsberg of Georgetown, South Carolina, knew he had to protect the land he loved for his sons and his grandchildren. Jody grew up hunting public land with his father and fell in love with duck hunting at an early age. As an avid hunter, he knew the importance of conserving wetlands not only for waterfowl but also for other wildlife and people.
Jodys interest in Ducks Unlimited started as a young adult, when he joined a local DU chapter in Charleston. As the years passed, his passion for conservation grew, and he instilled this passion in his two sons. Jody talks about what inspires his support of DU: Duck hunting has been an important part of my life for many years. I raised my boys duck hunting, and now that is their passion. Many of my favorite memories involve times we have spent together in a duck blind. I have seven young grandchildren, and I am inspired to help ensure they have the same opportunities.
Jody has donated several conservation easements to DU, including tracts on Salt Marsh Plantation, Crow Hill Plantation, and Mingo Hunt Cluball in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Developmental pressures along coastal South Carolina are enormous, Jody says. There is little doubt that my waterfront properties would someday be acquired and developed if I did not permanently protect them. I know the properties will always be available for my familys enjoyment while being protected in perpetuity.
To continue his support and passion of Lowcountry conservation initiatives, Jody recently established the Tamsberg Family Foundation through a donor-advised fund with the Coastal Community Foundation.
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