Chapter Spotlights: Home
Read the stories of Ducks Unlimited volunteer chapters across the country using the links below. Find out what DU volunteers are doing for their communities, and for the ducks.
Reorganized and revitalized in the past year, the Clarksville, Tenn., chapter saw a record crowd and big fundraising dollars at their 2009 events. [Read more]
The Leavenworth DU chapter is a unique chapter in that the committee consists of Armed Forces members, retirees and base employees from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. [Read more]
After putting on the largest conservation fundraising event ever held in their county last October, the Johnston County DU chapter is making great strides. [Read more]
Originally formed in 1976 with eight members, the Stillwater Chapter, now 25 members strong, thrives on their experience, teamwork and their ability to raise money for the ducks. [Read more]
Good location, great volunteers and the commitment to make the event the best it could be were a winning combination for the Alaska Ducks Unlimited chapter. Their spring event in Anchorage had just over 900 attendees, making it the largest in Alaska DU event history. [Read more]
These dedicated Texas volunteers picked up the pieces after Hurricane Ike and made DU's presence stronger than ever in Galveston.
In the midst of March Madness the Purdue Collegiate Chapter of Ducks Unlimited has made the Sweet 16 both on and off the court. The lone Hoosier state chapter has made great strides in four short years. [Read more]
Focused on raising money for habitat conservation, the Mexia Chapter emphasizes having a great time at all their events. [Read more]
The Atlantic Frontier Chapter aims to remain tops in Massachusetts and reach new heights in New England in 2009. [Read more]
A can-do attitude is what you'll find in the Copper County Ladies Chapter. Dedication and teamworker drive these ladies to host successful events year after year. [Read more]
The Middle Peninsula Chapter was once declining, but reorganized in 1999 and has continued its efforts year in and year out. The chapter has high hopes for the years ahead.
The Independence, Kansas, DU Chapter continued on its track of success for yet another year. [Read more]
It was another good year on the books for this once-struggling group, which has now become one of the most dependable in the state of Nebraska. [Read more]
Dedication and knowledgeable people have made this DU chapter a success. [Read more]
With underwriting help from local businesses, the Big Horn River Chapter earned a Gold Presidential Citation Award in 2007. [Read more]
South Central Kansas Chapter committee members have led by example, pulling together to host six events in 2007, earning them the 2007 Presidential Citation award. [Read more]
South Central Kansas Chapter committee members have led by example, pulling together to host six events in 2007, earning them the 2007 Presidential Citation award. [Read more]
A chapter that began with only eight committee members has become a nationally recognized chapter with 28 extremely active committee members who have dedicated their time and efforts to Ducks Unlimited's goal of conserving wetlands. [Read more]
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