Casting and Blasting in the Cowboy State
Experience event offers Major Sponsors a firsthand look at Wyoming conservation efforts
Experience event offers Major Sponsors a firsthand look at Wyoming conservation efforts
At the edge of the Wind River Mountains, in the heart of the picturesque Wyoming prairie, Ducks Unlimited hosts its Wyoming Cast and Blast event. Each year, Major Sponsors have a unique opportunity to learn more about DU's conservation mission while enjoying some of Wyoming's best hunting and fishing.
Attendees "Blast" sage grouse and "Cast" with fishing guides on nearby rivers and streams. They also visit a local DU project site and learn about on-the-ground conservation efforts in Wyoming and across the continent.
"Experiences like this help people understand why DU is one of the world's most respected conservation organizations, with work based on first-rate science," says DU Advisory Senior Vice President Bill D'Alonzo of Naples, Florida, who attended the 2016 event. "I am a DU Major Sponsor because it is incumbent upon us as hunters to put back more than we take from the resource."
Enjoying last fall's event alongside Bill were Grand Slam Life Sponsors Lewis and Susan Graves of Fredericksburg, Virginia. "What inspired me most was the amount of wildlife and wetlands scattered throughout the sagebrush," Lewis says. "I love what DU is doing on the landscape. The view, food, accommodations, and people were all wonderful as well."
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