Betsy Grubbs
Houston Chapter’s 2017 Wetlands Sponsor of the Year
Houston Chapter’s 2017 Wetlands Sponsor of the Year
Betsy Grubbs and Houston area RD Tim Soderquist
Photo © Cohn Photography
Volunteers are the life blood of DU, and through their dedication and participation, DU can put more dollars into the ground for important conservation work. One of Texas' most dedicated volunteers, Betsy Grubbs, was recognized as the Houston Chapter's 2017 Wetlands Sponsor of the Year.
"When I was first invited to a Ducks Unlimited event, I didn't know anything about DU," Betsy explained. Like many, she went to have fun, cause trouble, and spend money. "I guess nothing has really changed," she laughed. "I came for the party and stayed for the people."
Betsy attended her first volunteer meeting at Scott and Susan Lassila's home and got involved with her local Pearland/Friendswood Chapter in 1999. She credits them with teaching her much about DU and how to run a successful event. Since then she has chaired the gun raffle and feather committees for the state and been an area chair and district chairman. Nationally, Betsy has been a national delegate and a member of the development, merchandise, shoot, and youth and education committees.
Having reached her term limit as district chairman but wanting to stay involved, Betsy is the new chair for the Houston Chapter, consistently one of the strongest fundraisers in the country. Betsy has been recognized for her service to DU with a Texas Star Award and the coveted Silver Duck Head Belt Buckle, presented by DU CEO Dale Hall. She is a Life Sponsor and Feather Society Member.
"The most rewarding part of my involvement with DU is working with kids and introducing them to the outdoors. Sometimes that is the most challenging as well," Betsy said.
Betsy grew up in Brazoria County, first on a farm on Chocolate Bayou, then moving to Alvin. As one of 4 children and 33 grandchildren, family is very important to her. She likes being outdoors and recently added turkeys to her hunting and fishing repertoire. When it's not hunting season, she enjoys checking out local craft breweries, hole in the wall restaurants, and listening to live music.
Betsy is a principal with the Teltschik-Grubbs firm, practicing primarily business, real estate and probate law. She is a public speaker and published author, and has also appeared as a guest commentator on the Fox 26 Morning Show, as well as joined the Doug Pike Show on an annual basis to talk about all things duck!
Betsy has also volunteered with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, CCA, Brazoria County Fair Association, National Rifle Association, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, U.S. Navy SEAL Danny Dietz Classic (benefitting the Navy Seal Foundation), Texas Music Throwdown (benefitting Heroes on the Water), and Sky High for St. Jude Clay Shoot. She is also a member of the NRA, CCA, NWTF, and Pheasants Forever, and currently serves as an advisory board member and volunteer for the Operation Game Thief Houston Clay Stoppers Shoot Out.
"My greatest fear is mediocrity," Betsy said. It doesn't look like she has much to worry about.
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