All-Girls Chapter Shines in DU’s Varsity Program
The Ducks Unlimited Varsity program is a vital part of the organizations fundraising system. In 2018, more than 60 high school chapters and clubs raised over $536,000 for DUs conservation mission. But there is one chapter that brings something unique to the table. The St. Agnes Academy DU chapter is one of many high school chapters in Memphis, Tennessee, but it is the only all-girls committee not only in the city but in the nation.
These young ladies continuously exceed all my expectations, says DU Regional Director Jimbo Robinson. They have a passion for the outdoors, and they embrace the opportunity to be leaders in conservation and pave the way for other women who want to make a difference.
This dedicated committee raised over $15,000 for DUs conservation mission and had more than 120 attendees at their spring event in 2019. Thanks to another local Varsity chapter, Memphis University School, a unique item was added to the committees live auction: a DU T-shirt and flag signed by music artist Taylor Swift.
Its so nice to get support from fellow DU chapters. We are all here for the same mission, says St. Agnes Area Chair Sophie Cervetti. I was motivated to start a DU chapter at my school because I believe it is important to give back to conservation. I hope that being the only all-girls high school chapter will motivate others to be involved in DU. I want other girls around the country to look at our chapter as a leading example and a role model for future all-girls chapters.
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