Combo Hunts
Combining waterfowling with other types of hunting or fishing can make for a great day outdoors
Combining waterfowling with other types of hunting or fishing can make for a great day outdoors
By Will Brantley
One morning in late September, my high school buddy and I found ourselves standing thigh-deep in a beaver pond. We'd been scouting wood ducks at the pond for a week, and that morning we finally got to trade our binoculars for shotguns. We each knocked down our two-bird limit shortly after daylight and were back at the house before my folks even woke up.
Since the morning was still young, we swapped our shotguns for .22 rifles and headed for the hardwoods. Squirrels were busy gathering nuts in the hickory and beech trees, and after a couple of hours we had a mess of bushytails to complement our ducks.
But my hunting day wasn't over. After taking a short nap, I climbed into my tree stand with bow in hand. Just before dark, a doe walked under my stand and gave me an easy shot. After cleaning the deer, my long, eventful, exhilarating day finally came to an end.
Combining three hunts into a single day is a rare treat, even for diehard hunters. Much more common are two-hunt combos. Add fishing to your hunting day and you have the proverbial "cast and blast."
All of these combos can start with waterfowling, which often begins earlier in the morning than other pursuitsand can end early too, if you're lucky.
Choosing which combinations to try depends a lot on the hunting and fishing opportunities that exist in your area. Starting close to home will not only save you time and money, but will also give you a chance to learn more about the diversity of species in your neck of the woods.
But taking a road trip will give you a chance to explore a variety of hunting and fishing opportunities available in other parts of the country. Here are just a few destination combo hunts where you can double both your pleasure and your fun.
Hunting this combination of species requires little in the way of gear. With a canoe or small johnboat, a stealthy hunter can bag a limit of wood ducks and a few squirrels with the same shotgun during the course of the same float. Hip waders will help you stay dry while you drag your boat around logjams and across sandbars, and binoculars are handy for helping you to spot loafing wood ducks and feeding squirrels in the distance. A dip net will help you retrieve both ducks and squirrels that fall in the stream. Just be sure to fetch the squirrels quickly; they don't float very long.
You can dress in full camouflage, leave the decoys at home, and just stalk your way down the creek bank, watching for ripples on the water and shaking limbs in the trees. It doesn't get much easier, or much more fun, than that.
Cold weather usually sets in by the late season. But during November and December it can be warm enough to fish in shirtsleeves by early afternoon. That's a good thing, too, because in addition to the duck hunting, the best shallow-water inshore fishing in the world can be found right here.
Giant bull redfish at the mouth of the Mississippi River near Venice, Louisiana, are notoriously strong and willing to bite. Wade fishing for the "Texas Trio" of speckled trout, redfish, and flounder is popular in the Laguna Madre, and it's not unheard of to catch fish within sight of a duck blind. Just stash a heavy-action spinning rod spooled with braided line and a small tackle box containing some jig heads, soft plastic shrimp, and maybe a topwater lure or two in your duck boat.
We did our hunting from shore, setting decoy spreads on the ends of rocky points. Though we were after divers, we shot several mallards as well. Bluebill hunting can be tough work, but it's a labor of love and a tradition in this area. Timed with the peak migration, a good bluebill shoot can be fast and furious. Ours was fun, but difficult.
The fishing, however, was easy. Walleyes feed heavily at this time of year, before the winter freeze-up. We caught our fish on jigs and spinner rigs, but a variety of live-bait and trolling presentations work just as well. Few fish taste better than battered-and-fried walleye.
Pheasant hunting doesn't require much extra equipment. A good pair of brush pants and comfortable hunting boots are really all you need. Your duck gun can pull double duty on pheasants. And so can your retriever, once it catches on to the ringneck's wily ways. Wild pheasants like to run, so it's best to team up with a partner or two to work irrigation ditches with a couple of shooters stationed at the end of the cover. In a good areaand South Dakota is full of good areassimply walking ditch rows and jump-shooting without a dog will often produce a few pheasants as well.
Please note that nonresident hunters must apply early for a waterfowl license before hunting South Dakota. The application period is typically mid-May through early July.
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