10 Classic Combos
Make the most of your vacation time with these combination trips for waterfowl, upland birds, and much more
Make the most of your vacation time with these combination trips for waterfowl, upland birds, and much more
By Bill Nichol
How can you improve a hunting trip filled with swarming ducks, feet-down geese, and lots of shooting? Most waterfowlers would not have a ready answer for this one. But many of North America's top waterfowling venues are also prime habitat for big game, upland birds, or popular sport fish. This means that bagging a trophy buck, shooting a brace of pheasants, or landing a lunker bass is possible for waterfowlers willing to forgo that afternoon nap.
So before you plan your next hunting expedition, consider the following 10 destinations where you can combine world-class duck and goose hunting with other outstanding hunting or fishing pursuits. Taking advantage of these diverse sporting opportunities could make your next waterfowl hunting trip even more memorable and open the door to some exciting new outdoor experiences.
In autumn, few places in the United States have more ducks than eastern South Dakota. Thanks to its pothole-rich prairie landscape, the state's northeast corner often supports one of the highest concentrations of breeding ducks in the country. This region is also a major staging area for millions of ducks migrating south from North Dakota and Canada, giving hunters the opportunity to see spectacular concentrations of waterfowl. From 1999 to 2005, each out-of-state hunter bagged an average of nearly 11 ducks during his or her trip to South Dakota. This high success rate is due in part to relatively low hunting pressure. South Dakota annually issues only 5,000 waterfowl licenses to nonresidents through a lottery held in July.
Of course, nonresidents who draw a waterfowl license should also take advantage of the state's celebrated pheasant hunting. The ringneck season usually opens the third week of October, roughly a month after the start of duck season. Based on state surveys, pheasant populations in 2006 were near a 40-year high. As with ducks, pheasants are more concentrated in the eastern half of the state and occur in numbers as high as 13 birds per square mile.
Wingshooters in search of a truly classic sporting combination should set their sights on the Canadian province of New Brunswick. The salt marshes of this eastern province are historic environs of the prized black duck and home to a waterfowling tradition dating back 300 years. Despite a decline in continental black duck numbers, New Brunswick's black duck population has remained relatively stable during the past several years. And duck hunters have capitalized on this trend. According to Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) harvest statistics, New Brunswick has one of the highest black duck-per-hunter seasonal averages in Canada.
The first of October marks the traditional start of waterfowl and upland bird seasons in New Brunswick. With the countryside awash in bright fall foliage, hunters can pursue black ducks and other dabbling ducks on tidal marshes in the morning and then stalk woodcock and ruffed grouse in lowland forests and farmland during the afternoon. A good pointing dog or flushing retriever is invaluable for locating these upland birds in thick cover. Both woodcock and grouse often flush in close quarters, offering only fleeting shots before they disappear among the limbs and tree trunks. Upland hunters revere both birds for their elusive nature and their agility in flight.
During the 1990s, south- central Montana's Bighorn River achieved renown among North America's fly-fishermen. At the time, stretches of the river's shallow, swift waters held an amazing 6,000 mature trout per mile. While its fish numbers have declined in recent years, the Bighorn continues to produce plenty of large rainbows and browns. These big fish attract big crowds of anglers in spring and summer. But by late fall, summer crowds are long gone.
All the better for waterfowlers. In December, trout fishing remains productive on the Bighorn just as duck and goose action is peaking. Each winter, migrating mallards and Canada geese stop in the Bighorn and Yellowstone river valleys to feed on waste grain in harvested croplands. As cold weather settles in, shooting can heat up on the river. "Ducks and geese gravitate to the Bighorn because it's a fast-moving river that stays open when local reservoirs and other wetlands have frozen up," says Randy Renner, a DU biologist in the Great Plains region.
The prairies of southern Saskatchewan have long been considered a top waterfowling destination, and for good reason. Each year, millions of ducksincluding more than 2 million mallards on averagereturn to the province to breed. In addition, large numbers of staging Canada, snow, and white-fronted geese feast in Saskatchewan's harvested croplands before moving to wintering areas in the United States. This abundance of waterfowl ensures that hunters in Saskatchewan enjoy high success rates on a wide variety of ducks and geese. Harvest estimates from the CWS indicate that Saskatchewan has led all Canadian provinces in annual goose harvest during the past several years and ranks second only to Ontario in average annual duck harvest.
On top of this waterfowling bounty, southern Saskatchewan supports large numbers of upland birds. Beginning in mid-September and lasting usually through mid-October, hunters can follow up a morning of duck and goose hunting with an afternoon filled with Hungarian partridge and sharp-tailed grouse. These two upland birds inhabit hedgerows and windbreaks adjacent to agricultural fields where they can be hunted with dogs or flushed on foot. Adding these flushing birds to the bag is another memorable wingshooting experience that shouldn't be missed while visiting this wide-open province.
Florida may not be the first place that comes to mind as a waterfowling destination. Yet the Sunshine State averaged more ducks harvested per hunter during the 2004 and 2005 seasons than any other state in the Atlantic Flyway. Two of the hunting venues that helped produce this impressive statisticMerritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) and T.M. Goodwin Waterfowl Management Areaare public wetlands within a 90-minute drive from Orlando. During the duck season, which runs from mid-November to late January, both refuges provide prime habitat for wintering blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, and ring-necked ducks. Hunters after exotic birds may also get a shot at fulvous and black-bellied whistling ducks and resident Florida mottled ducks.
But fishing is the main attraction on several of central Florida's freshwater lakes. For more than 10 years, state biologists have included Lakes Tohopekaliga and Kissimmee in their published list of top spots for catching largemouth bass. Both Orlando-area lakes regularly produce plenty of fish that tip the scales at 10 pounds or more, and some of the biggest bass are landed during duck season.
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