Patch Up Your Pooch
Canine first aid tips for the field
Canine first aid tips for the field
by Tom Keer
Watching a well-trained gundog retrieve is a high point for many hunters. Watching that same gundog get cut to ribbons is not. Accidents happen and a hard-charging dog can get injured in the field. Are you prepared? The best you can do is put yourself in a position where you can help Fido when he's in trouble. A pooch first aid kit will help you patch up your pal until you can deliver him to the capable hands of a veterinarian.
There are a number of ailments you can handle on the spot. You can treat the dog for dehydration, porcupine quills, barbed wire cuts, and scrapes from thorns or briars. In other situations, muscle tears, broken bones, or hemorrhaging; stabilize your pal until professional help can take over. Following any serious injury, a trip to a veterinarian is highly reccommended.
For immediate first aid in the field, it's a good idea to have a Dog First Aid Kit. Here's a list of items to keep in your kit.
*Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Whip up as needed, rinse dog with fresh water.
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