6 Tips for Containment System Training
Train within an in-ground containment system
Train within an in-ground containment system
This article is provided by SportDOG Brand as part of a Sponsored Content program. Ducks Unlimited editorial staff played no role in creating this content.
Judging by the number of homes whose yards are decorated with white pet containment training flags these days, it seems that in-ground fencing has gone mainstream. Its great that dog owners are taking responsibility for keeping their pets from wandering. While the basics of setting up and training a dog to respect the boundaries of a containment system are pretty simple, there are several points to keep in mind if you want your new fence to work as intended.
The SportDOG Brand containment systems all work in a similar fashion. When a dog is wearing the collar, if it approaches the perimeter (created by a buried wire) it receives a warning tone and vibration. If the dog continues toward the perimeter, it receives a static correction as a reminder to stay in the yard.
Installing a system yourself or having it installed by a professional is the easy part. What does take some time and thought is training your dog to respect the boundary as opposed to being fearful of it. So, Step One is to READ THE MANUAL. And then read it again. Then, remember these points to reach the goal of a well-trained dog that understands that its own yard is a safe place.
For as technologically advanced as todays containment systems are, the training concepts that make them effective are very simple. Investing some time upfront to properly introduce your dog to its new fence will pay off with peace of mind later on when you know your dog is content to stay safe at home.
This article is provided by SportDOG Brand as part of a Sponsored Content program. Ducks Unlimited editorial staff played no role in creating this content.
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