These maps represent recoveries from 1986-2015 for states and provinces in all 4 flyways, ducks that were banded in July and August only, and birds recovered during the regular duck season (generally, between September and January) . Only banded birds recovered and reported by hunters were used in the production of the maps.
Each dot represents a location where one or more harvested and reported ducks were banded by the state in which the bird was recovered. Band returns by species are represented by the following colors:
- Mallard - green
- American Black Duck - black
- Northern Pintail - yellow
- Other dabblers (American Wigeon, Gadwall, Northern Shoveler) - purple
- Teal species (Cinnamon, Blue- & Green-winged teal) - blue
- Divers (Canvasback, Redhead, Lesser and Greater Scaup & Ring-necked duck) - red