Cordele Fish Hatchery
Wetlands Enhancement Project
Wetlands Enhancement Project
Purpose: This project restored an existing 48-acre lake into a manageable waterfowl impoundment by repairing a breech in the levee caused by heavy rains and installing a water control structure. Additional activities included both herbicide and mechanical vegetation control to remove small trees and shrubs. The project area is formerly known as Williams Lake. Currently this area is used as a wetland viewing area that allows visitors the ability to view a young community of gum, cypress, and willow trees along with cattails, alligator weed, and duckweed. Waterfowl commonly seen in the area include wood ducks, mallards, green-winged teal, and blue-winged teal. This project will allow Georgia DNR personnel the capability to manage and improve the area to provide habitat for migrating and wintering waterfowl. This project should increase the diversity of bird species found on the area, especially waterfowl and wading birds.
Location: Approx. 2 miles west of Cordele, Crisp County, Georgia
Acres Impacted: 48 acres
Habitat Type: Palustrine Emergent and Forested Wetlands
Partners: Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Project was completed in May 2006
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