Farmers Support Clean Water
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Farmers and ranchers don't just put food on America's dinner tables — they are also leaders in protecting our land and water and being good stewards of the earth. Now many farmers are standing up for clean water — and supporting protecting wetlands from pollution and destruction, while preserving agriculture's conservation heritage.
"As a rice producer, clean water is my livelihood — it is the lifeblood for the rice I grow on the Arkansas Grand Prairie and to the drinking water that my family depends on to be safe and secure. The wetlands and streams that recharge underground aquifers and help ensure our clean water resources have lost federal protection from pollution and destruction due to recent Supreme Court decisions. Restoring protection to our nation's water supplies will ensure that farmers like me can continue to put food on America's tables. The Clean Water Restoration Act will restore those protections.
As a rice farmer, Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioner and a Ducks Unlimited supporter and volunteer, I ask you to please contact your Senators, and ask for their support of the Baucus-Klobuchar Compromise for Clean Water (S. 787) and help secure clean water across America and protect the northern prairie potholes from being drained which would be devastating to waterfowl production" —George Dunklin - Rice Farmer - Arkansas
We should be leaders of good land and water conservation, not just viewed as users who care not for resources beyond our backyard. I encourage you all, including individuals, companies, farm organizations and industry, to voice support for the Clean Water Restoration Act and restore protections for the life blood of our farming operations and heritage.
—Ray McCormick - Corn, Soybean, Peach and Livesotck farmer - Indiana
"The Clean Water Act ensures clean water for all Americans to drink, swim, and farm, and in my case, hunt and fish. As a farmer and a processor, clean water is vital to my livelihood, so protecting clean water is protecting my income and that of the thousands of other farmers who put food on Americans' tables. As a conservationist, I appreciate the fish and wildlife habitat provided by wetlands and intermittent streams."
—Eric Hirzel - Farmer and Food Processor - Ohio
George, Ray, and Eric aren't the only farmers supporting the Baucus-Klobuchar Compromise for Clean Water - see other groups that represent the nation's farmers and ranchers that support clean water!
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