By supporting young professionals who are conducting forward-looking research, DU continually advances its body of knowledge while empowering future generations of conservation scientists.

Eight graduate fellowships are available annually. These fellowships provide students with important funding to further their education. Fellowships are awarded to some of North Americas most outstanding students whose research is taking place across the continent.

The fellowship program is a collaboration between Ducks Unlimited staff in both Canada and the United States. This partnership represents the continental scope of wetland conservation and the cross-border efforts that make it possible. To date, fellowships have been awarded to more than 50 students from 24 universities. For more information on these fellowships visit

This year we have the following six awards available:

  1. Bonnycastle Fellowship in Wetland and Waterfowl Biology
  2. DUC-MBNA Canada Bank Conservation Fellowship
  3. Dr. Bruce D.J. Batt Fellowship in Waterfowl Conservation
  4. Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation Wetlands and Waterfowl Research Fellowship
  5. Waterfowl Research Foundation Fellowship
  6. Michael F.B. Nesbitt Family Research Fellowship

Download full background information on all graduate fellowships