The Alaska Initiative - Born to Fly

Conserving key habitats across Alaska

Snow on the Alaska mountains

Alaska is home to some of the most expansive, unspoiled wetlands on earth. Each year, they provide an ideal cradle that nurtures 15-20 percent of the entire U.S. waterfowl population in one of the most important breeding and brood-rearing areas in the Pacific Flyway. Waterfowl produced here also travel to North America's three other flyways.

Losing these precious Alaskan wetlands to encroachment, resource development, and other degradation will cause irreversible harm to waterfowl populations in the West. But Ducks Unlimited is working diligently to protect wetlands before they require restoration. Using the most sophisticated mapping technology available, DU has successfully mapped some 200 million acres in Alaska, enabling collaboration with state and federal agencies and industry partners to create realistic and comprehensive management plans.

These mapping projects require substantial funding, but the sum is far less than the costs of restoration. Ducks Unlimited's ability to continue and grow these critical mapping efforts depends heavily on the financial support of individuals who share our commitment to wetlands, waterfowl, other wildlife, and our outdoor heritage, through The Alaska Initiative—Born to Fly.

Cross-border Conservation


Alaska map

Alaska's boreal forest is contiguous with that of western Canada. These boreal landscapes, as well as immense tracts at river deltas and on northern tundra, are where life begins for millions of ducks, geese, and a myriad of other migratory birds. These boreal forests are the breeding and brood-rearing grounds for a significant number of ducks and geese making the intercontinental journey down the Pacific Flyway. Unfortunately, resource development is expanding rapidly in the boreal, threatening these critical habitats.

Ducks Unlimited is working to identify and protect North America's most important boreal wetland habitats. Your generous gift to The Alaska Initiative—Born to Fly will help protect the remaining undisturbed breeding grounds for waterfowl in the United States and Canada, part of Ducks Unlimited's efforts to ensure strong populations of waterfowl across the continent. Birds don't recognize borders and neither do DU's habitat conservation efforts.

Protecting the Boreal

The Western Boreal Forest is the world's largest remaining intact, productive ecosystem. It encompasses more than a billion and a half acres of pristine forests, wetlands, lakes, rivers, and streams, and nearly 20 percent of all waterfowl are "born to fly" here. With a portion of the boreal located in Alaska, habitat losses here would have a severe impact on the number and health of ducks, geese, and songbirds that call the Pacific Flyway home. Through your support of The Alaska Initiative—Born to Fly, Ducks Unlimited will help ensure that the vast wetlands of Alaska are protected for future generations of waterfowl, hunters, and everyone who loves the outdoors.

The Alaska Initiative–Born to Fly Needs You Now

Your gift will make a difference. Every dollar you give to Ducks Unlimited is leveraged many times over to create a conservation impact far beyond your initial gift. And be assured that more than 80 cents of every dollar received is invested directly in our conservation mission. Through your support, you can make a difference right now for waterfowl and people, this generation and those to come. By making your gift to The Alaska Initiative—Born to Fly, you will help conserve key habitats across Alaska.

Don't wait. Call DU at (360) 885-2011 today to speak with fundraising staff in your area.

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