Volta Wildlife Area Westside Canal
Ducks Unlimited recently completed water delivery enhancement work on Volta Wildlife Area's (WA) Westside Canal. This effort was part of DU's Grasslands Ecological Area - Phase 3 North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant activities, which improved habitat at the Salt Slough Unit of North Grasslands WA, Mendota WA, Los Banos WA and Volta WA, as well as at several ducks clubs in the Grasslands Water District.
Major earthwork on the Volta WA Westside Canal Project. |
This project revamped one of Volta WA's main water delivery canals and improved water conveyance to 1,800 acres of wetlands on the west half of the wildlife area. The improved Westside Canal, approximately 10,000 feet in length, will now convey more water and give Volta WA managers additional wetlands management options that will help conserve water on this important wintering area. The Volta WA is open to public hunting during the appropriate seasons, so the project area includes areas available for dove and waterfowl hunting. This project was completed in August 2005.
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