Upper Sardis WMA - Bagley Bottoms Waterfowl Area
Purpose: To enhance 200 acres of moist-soil habitat and flooded agricultural fields on Upper Sardis WMA through installation of 4 water control structures and construction perimeter levee. Bagley Bottoms was acquired by the U.S. Forest Service in 1991 and is currently being managed in conjunction with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. This project provides valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl near the Little Tallahatchie River .
Location: Approx. 10 miles northeast of Oxford, MS (Lafayette County)
Acres Impacted: 200 acres
Habitat Type: Moist-soil Habitat
Flooded Agricultural Fields
Partners: U.S. Forest Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Mississippi Dept. Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in summer 1994
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