Trim Cane WMA - Wetlands Restoration Project
Purpose: To restore 223 acres of moist soil wetlands and flooded agricultural habitat by constructing 7 waterfowl impoundments, ranging in size from 10 - 62 acres. Each project will consist of exterior levee construction and installation of several water control structures, thus providing valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl along Trim Cane Creek. Future plans to improve waterfowl habitat include restoration of three additional moist soil wetlands that will greatly enhance the region's carrying capacity for waterfowl. This project is located within the Trim Cane WMA and would be managed by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to maintain high quality moist soil habitat for waterfowl, while providing public hunting opportunities.
Focus Area: Approximately 5 miles north of Starkville, Mississippi (Oktibbeha County)
Acres Impacted: 223 acres
Habitat Type: Moist Soil Wetlands
Flooded Agricultural Habitat
Partners: Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 2002
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