Trainor Wetland Restoration Project
Ducks Unlimited is working with several partners to enhance over 2,000 acres of wetlands and wetland associated uplands near the mouth of the Silvies River in Harney County, Oregon. The project is located about one mile north of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The project includes the restoration of two miles of the Silvies River. The ditched river is being replaced with over two miles of newly constructed meandering river channel. Levees and water control structures will be installed to restore approximately 1,500 acres of seasonal wetland habitat. These wetlands will provide critical migration and breeding habitat to waterfowl, wading birds and other wildlife species. Of particular importance, the shallow, extensive wetland habitats on this site will provide important feeding and resting habitat for pintails during the spring migration. Harney County is an important stopover for northward migrating pintails that breed in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Alaska and other northern breeding areas. The project will also provide breeding habitat for several species, including mallards, Canada geese, northern shovelers, gadwalls, cinnamon teal and blue-winged teal. Other partners involved in this one million dollar project include the two landowners, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Harney Soil and Water Conservation District, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Construction of the project commenced in the fall of 2004.
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