Taylor Lakes WMA - Cattail Lake Restoration
Purpose: To restore Cattail Lake by returning it to its historic open water condition. A soil survey indicates that approximately 18 inches of sediment has been deposited on the lake bottom, thereby resulting in cattail encroachment and loss of wetland habitat. The surrounding uplands have been converted to native grass habitat, effectively preventing future erosion and silt deposition. The project will remove accumulated sediments and install a water control structure to enhance management capabilities. Restoring the lake will provide habitat for waterfowl (including tundra swans), sandhill cranes, and migratory shorebirds. The Taylor Lakes Wildlife Management Area is open to public waterfowl hunting.
Location: One-quarter mile west of Lelia Lake, Texas (Donley County)
Acres Impacted: 21 acres
Habitat: Fresh Marsh
Partners: Texas Parks Wildlife Department
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Project completed
DU Contact:
Keith McKnight
Regional Biologist
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
1620 FM 2218
Richmond, TX 77469
(832) 595-0663
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