Santee Coastal Reserve - Big Well Enhancement
Purpose: To provide optimum management capability on an existing tidal impoundment totaling 152 acres through construction of internal crossdikes, installation of spillway structures and installation of additional ricefield trunks for flooding and draining. The exterior dikes have fallen blow grade due to subsidence and must be raised to facilitate effective management. Subdividing the interior of the impoundment into five cells and the installation of additional water control structures will improve management capability and enhance the project for wetland dependent wildlife species. Principal waterfowl species include mallards, mottled ducks, Northern pintail, American wigeon, gadwall, Northern shovelers and green-winged teal.
Location: The project is located on the Santee Coastal Reserve in Charleston County approximately 7.5 miles northeast of McClellanville, SC along the South Santee River.
Acres Impacted: 152 acres
Habitat Types: Tidal brackish/saline marshes
Tidal brackish impoundments
Partners: SC Department of Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Construction was completed in summer 2001
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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